Need Advice - Important Issue With My 1200.1

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by texcon, Aug 19, 2004.

  1. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Some of you may recall that I bought a PG Tantrum 1200.1 amplifier from Indoaudio off of Ebay. I know I was taking a risk doing so, but went ahead with the deal. After 3 months, my amp stopped working and I had to send it back for repairs. Cut to today - I get an email from Indoaudio saying:

    "Due to the problems you have been having with our company, we want to make this right, not create any more tension. Let us know, we will give you FULL credit minus shipping for any NEW amp you might want from our stock in exchange for your amp, so you do not have to wait for the distributor/Phoenix Gold to replace your amplifier. Even if you do not see it up, let us know if there is anything you want.

    Let us make this right, and have a new amp to you immediately. Unfortunatly no more T1200.1 are available, but we have every other brand available, all brand new/sealed. Let me know what you choose to do."

    So I have a slight dilemma on my hands. I can either tell them I want it fixed or get another amp and cut my losses. I really like the 1200.1, but it is not like I am a junkie for it. What would you guys do if you were in this situation? The 1200.1 broke once, and I am not sure what the problem was, but I know i was not the power source. But it's almost like this damn amp is cursed. I have read nothing but good stuff about this amp, so I am not sure if I should just get it repaired or cut my losses. I know Indoaudio is stalling on sending this amp back to PG because they sold me a refurb amp as new and they want to avoid getting into shit with PG.

    I paid $305 for the 1200.1, so if I do get a new one I'd like to keep the cost of any replacement amp around that price (preferrably no more than $350 plus S&H). Here are some pages showing what amps they have around the $300-350 range. The JL, MTX, and Xtant amps stand out. There are some PG Xenon and Octane amps in that price range, but I am not too familiar with them. At least I know people who have run the other three.

    They also have a PG 600Ti that is $370, which is above $350 but is a nice amp.

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  2. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    Hmmm! If only another company we have been talking about the last few days had the same kind of business sense. :eek:t:
  3. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Does that company name rhyme with Hellemental Peesign?
  4. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    I will admit that they are trying to resolve the problem, but only because they fucked up in the first place. How am I to believe that they would really send me a new amp when they sent me a refurb amp the first time after advertising it as new?
  5. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    Sorry, I'm not at liberty to say. lol

    :yes: < But he can.
  6. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    So how about some advice on my predicament?
  7. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    Didn't the Xenon line replace the Ti line? In which case I'm sure they are just as good as the Ti's, but I'm not sure on the prices.
  8. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    Nevermind, I see the 1200 watt xenon is almost $500. I'm not sure if this is even an option for you since it is a refurb but, ikesound is selling DEI 1200d's for $299. But as mentioned they are refurbs as well.
  9. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    I am not sure if the Xenon replaced the Titanium line. I have my 400ti that was on my front stage now on my Solobaric and it sounds good, but still lacks some umph. I think a 600ti would sound pretty nice on my Solo. But then again who knows if it is really new or not? I don't need a 1200 watt amp to be honest, that is just what I got because it was a good deal for the amp. I doubt I would ever run something like a Brahma that needs 1500-2000 watts. That is just not my style. So an amp with less wattage is acceptable at this point.
  10. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Where are those - I can't find them on the site.
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Generally, refurbs aren't a bad deal.
    However, advertising them as new amps is deceptive.

    I am more than glad to see that they wish to make right with you, however! B)

    Personally, call me cynical, call me pessimistic... but I'm reading between the lines here:

    What they say is "Hey, sure we can fix your PG amp, hey, right, we're all good with PG, they'll fix your amp, no problemo, sure, yep yep... BUT hey, just in the off chance you might want to partake in entertaining another option, we could always send you another, different amp of equal value. But hey, don't sweat the first option."

    What they mean is "Damn we're screwed here... there's no way in hell that we can get this PG amp fixed given the pretenses we sold it under, and we can't even get him a new one. Shit. Tell you what, offer him ANY other amp of equal value, and... god I'm crossing my fingers here... maybe he'll bite on that offer, and we'll be in the clear here. Otherwise, we'll have to scramble for some other solution, stall, deflect, figure out something else to do... I have no idea. God, I hope he bites on this offer, it sounds good to me... please, god, please..."

    Hey, maybe not...
    But I can generally read between the lines quite well, and I don't think it's time for reading glasses yet. ;)

    Just my opinion, I could of course be completely wrong. Let me know what you think! :detective:
  12. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

  13. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Trust me, you and I are on the EXACT same wavelength here. I know they are just trying to throw this offer out there because there is a very, VERY good chance they can get screwed by PG. If not them, then the company they get their products from, Koby International (just a very educated guess). But they are trying to save them and/or Koby from getting in trouble with PG.

    See, I am more inclined to just get my money back and start over new. At worst I will demand they give me a pricier amp for less. If they don't like either of these ideas, then I will request my amp be fixed by PG as was arranged previously. I absolutely have the right to have my amp repaired, no matter what they think.

    If they want to play hardball, then I can go to PayPal and give them some grief via a fraudulent seller complaint. I know PayPal would LOVE to seize the account of a seller like Indoaudio. But this is a very ast resort.
  14. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    BTW, I sent them a professional email giving them 3 options. Give me a NEW Ti600.2 for $305 with S&H included, give me my money back or get my amp fixed by PG as originally planned. If they cannot agree to one of these, then I we are going to have some serious problems.

    I think giving me a Ti600.2 for $305 is VERY reasonable considering Ike Sound sells it for $299. If I were them, I'd jump on option 1 or 2.
  15. Poseur

    Poseur Full Member

    make sure they don't charge you shipping either *L*

    Yea, Well played, and entirely reasonable I too am on the train of thought that they can't get your amp repaired, and they know it will get them in trouble. How'd things with PG windup, BTW? weren't you speaking directly with them about having it repaired I thought the guy said he was going to work something out for you. Or is there a different Indo/PG fiasco somewhere?

    Eitherway, I wouldn't get too forceful, you may not have the right o have your repaired, that's why any warranty is a limted warranty. And the repair or replace bit just about always has provisions for "of equal value" that's generally left to the warranty provider's discretion. Thatsaid, the ti600.2 is a very reasonable selection. Let's all hope that they just fly with that. They actually seem reasonable, so meybe they will.
  16. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Yeah, I was not forceful at all in my email. I said like 4 or 5 times I really wanted to resolve this issue so we could go on. I even justified my selection of the Ti600.2 over other amps he has and gave him a link to Ike Sound showing the Ti600.2 for $299. I think I made a strong case for them to accept option 1 or 2.

    Basically, my amp was sold to me as new and having a 1 year warranty and I have the Ebay page to prove it. So they can't pull out the 90-day warranty card on me.

    As far as working with PG, the douche there told me they wanted me to send my amp to Indoaudio so he could send it to PG. Basically, PG wanted to bust Indoaudio and had to use my amp as a guinea pig. Kind of shitty IMO, but they are in no way entitled to warranty my amp seeing I got it from Ebay and it was a refurb. But without me doing that, PG would not have the proof they needed. It turns out that PG may still not get the chance to bust Indoaudio and his distributor.
  17. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Well, I just got an email from Indoaudio saying he was going to send me a new Ti600.2 at no additional cost to me. So he chose option #1. I will admit that he at least stepped up to the plate and made the effort to fix this issue.
  18. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I think I would have got them to send it back to PG to get fixed...
  19. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Beautiful... I'm thinking there simply was no option #3, and holding out for that would simply cause for sleepless nights... ;)