Mystified newbie!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by jm76, Oct 26, 2010.

  1. jm76

    jm76 New Member

    Hi guys,
    Know less than nothing about car audio so need a bit of help! Bought a Ministry of Sound CA103/A off a mate to fit in my boat. Wired it in and linked it to four speakers from a wrecked Ford.
    Sounded great to me but next time I went to boat nothing from the speakers. Not even a hiss. :confused:
    Took the lot home and started checking with multi-meter. Every wire was doing what it was supposed to. Original harness was all fine and speakers checked out ok on another system.
    Don't have the manual for the unit so had to resort to pressing buttons and looking to see what happened.
    The display works perfect...showing the CD playing or the tuner picking up stations but still nothing from the speakers.
    Holding the menu button for a couple of seconds brings up "Mask all". Does this mean that the unit is not sending a signal (?) to the speakers? If so how the heck do I get it to stop masking???
    I know this may sound a bit simple to guys who know about these things but it's very frustrating to someone like me. Hope someone can help with advice that a numpty can understand. :(
    Thanks in advance.
    ps Forgot to say that boat isn't damp and unit is dry.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010