okay.... i just bought myself some L7 15's 2010's now i gotta build my box ... my questions are: ported, dual ported, or sealed? ( i only have enough space for about 7 or 8 cubic feet )... they will be taking the place of my back seats and in a convertable top, so should i fire them up or forward?? and will my top leak water?
bandpass will hit hardest, but sound the crappiest, ported will be the most efficiant, seeing as you picked l7's i'd say ported, since your looking most likly looking for thump, how many are you puting in? 2, 3 or 4? as far as firing, if they are your back seat. you'd want them firing forward or backward, but not upward. you will need a min of 6 cubic feet for 2 in a ported enclousure, from what i'm seeing. so you can get away with all 8. but do not exceed 12. they are rated max of 6 CF max a piece. idk about any leaking issues you'll end up with, but yeah..cars aren't meant to vibrate at those levels, those 2 15"s will hit exceptionaly hard in such a large box. and in a coup, that thing is going to fall apart always remember! pictures of it didnt happen
how do you figure? ive heard some 4th order enclosures that sound great on music.(properly built of course) pre-fab 4th orders sound like poo. i would say port forward too. all that pressure in a convertable is going to create potential probs for sure. dont bump hard in the rain, then you will have leaks.
k i think i may go with a dual slot port... and since im a cheap a$$, the subs are on layaway for a paycheck or two more lol, so i have plenty of time to build a nice box before i plan on installing,, but i will most deff post pics when its done