Hey everyone, I just accepted a position as a High School Math Teacher. My last day as an installer will be August 7th. I really am excited and a little nervous. I will be teaching 9th grade and I think it will be a really positive experience. I am looking forward to my new job. Come August and September, I will be adjusting to a new job and may not be spending the time I need to here. AZN and Pedro can handle things. I will still check in, but come school time, my students and my new job must take priority. When thing settle down, I'll be back to being just as regular as I am now.
Congratulations Ranger...I'm glad you are where you want to be. I've decided to take the fall semester off and do welding for a bit...my heart wasn't into it last spring semester.
Congrats Ranger!!! This is what you've been waiting for and it's finally coming into place for you. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Too bad you won't be around here as much.
I agree with everyone else's sentiments, congrats on the new job, good luck, and well at least you will be here every now and again. Hope all goes well!
nice!!! congrats!! any new job can and will make anyone nervous but you'll be fine. good luck "teach"