My new install... "Themed" install? Cheesy or not

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by geolemon, Sep 15, 2002.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I am going to be completely tearing apart my trunk and redoing it quite soon... new amps, new head unit, and the installation of my Phoenix Gold Cyclone rotary-servo subwoofer are what prompts all of this.
    Here are some recent pics of the install that I will be mostly trashing:

    If you haven't ever seen one, you need to click on this link to understand exactly what and why...
    These are pictures that I took of my own PG Cyclone:

    OK, now that you understand the situation... and the subwoofer-

    I was thinking of a themed install... that sounds kind of cheesy at first...
    Thinking of a sort of "Back to the Future" install...
    That is, I want the install to resemble the inside of the DeLorean...

    Grey vinyl again for sure...
    Maybe a "flux capacitor" up front using crackle-neon that pulses to the beat...
    Translucent plexiglas surrounding the amps with colored blinkie-lights behind it...
    And the reason for the idea in the first place...
    I wanted to mount the PG Cyclone inverted, with the motor and it's own plexiglas housing exposed...
    With a small, white vinyl graphic on the plexi housing that reads "Mr. Fusion"

    The interior of the car will stay 100% stealth, btw... just the trunk here.
    What do you think?

    I don't want it to be cheesy.. no "Back to the Future" stickers or anything like that...
    But I want people to "get it" too.. or else it might just look like a mess of sorts.. lots of "why?" sort of questions might pop to mind over some of the more accurate details...

    I could just go for a smooth install... with the Cyclone mounted inverted... if this idea doesn't seem too popular...
  2. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    I like it. What would be even cooler is if you hooked up a fog machine...
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    I like it!

    So every time I popped open the trunk, a cloud of fog billowed out...
    That would be cool... :p
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I like it. Cheesy, maybe, origional and creative, definately. Knowing your work, I'm sure it will be top notch. I am excited to see some pics.
  5. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I think its pretty slick, but you gotta be careful. I think that would only look good if done right. If you only kinda do some of the stuff themed and kinda said the rest wasent worth it, it might not end up with the desired effect. I cant wait to see what you ome up with though.
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Well, I am thinking like this...

    I want to probably keep my amps where they are, one on each side of the trunk.
    But rather than the vinyl'd trim panels that surround them now, I am thinking of curved fiberglass panels, whose bottom edge would 'S' slightly, and would have a curved transition from the bottom edge to the top edge to surround my amps.
    Those would be smoothed and sprayed metallic silver...
    Would work in the "Back to the Future" feel, but if I decided to ditch that approach, would still look nice without the "theme" cues in there anymore.

    The floor of my trunk would be grey vinyl, mating up with the 'S' shaped edge of the side panels. I want to see if I have enough room to do an angled "spare tire slot" rather than the round well, with the round cover, that I have now.
    I would like a rounded rectangular cover rather than a circle, which would also be smooth and sprayed metallic silver, inside the vinyl'd trunk floor.

    And rather than the mirror that you see now, I am thinking of sandblasting some clear plexi to make it translucent, and putting neon or LED's behind it to create a backlit effect.

    With the metallic, sort of industrial (but smooth) look, I think the addition of a "Mr Fusion" sticker on my inverted PG Cyclone (which to begin with, people will be like "what the heck is that?"), and a 'flux capacitor' installed on the back of my rear seat, maybe out of neon or ropelight will be enough to make the theme work...
    And if I get tired of it, removing the 'flux capacitor' and the "Mr Fusion" sticker turns it back into a typical install. ;)

    Oh, I was also thinking of taking my existing monitor-top capacitor, and taking two other standard 1 farad caps that I have and spraying their cans metallic silver, mounting them side by side so the monitor-top cap is in the middle. I thought that would also look appropriate, with the red LED display..
  7. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    When I think of that movie a few things come to mind that define the movie for me and may be something you want to incorporate into your theme:

    88 mph
    1.21 gigawatts
    a bolt of lightning
    flux capacitor (covered)
  8. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    geo, i think if you do it just right (i know you will, you're an intelligent person) it should come out looking fantastic. Maybe even sound great!! ;)
  9. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Maybe a pic of the Doc's head somewhere in the install would clear up any questions? Might look a little corny though...
  10. Alan

    Alan Full Member

    that guy is an ugly mofo!
    i wouldn't want a pic of him riding around in my trunk. It might start seeming like universal studios if you did that
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Ah! :D

    The 88 MPH thing I can't think of a good way to do it...

    But maybe another vinyl sticker (in case I get tired of the theme, you know) or a label (the inside of the DeLorean was filled with label gun labels! ;)) that reads "1.21 jigawatts"....

    Either over the monitor top capacitor trio...
    Or over the PHD2 - it's got 1.21 jigawatts, after all! :D

    And the flux capacitor will be covered....
    Thinking that crackle neon, 3 tubes of it, in a metal case, with a plexi window in it... if I can get some that pulses to the music, bonus!