Last night my daughter was playing and she fell and hit her chin on the cement. Put a pretty big cut that lead to 5 or 6 stitches under her chin. This is not what a father wants to happen to their children especially a little girl but she didn't even cry during the whole ordeal and in some of the pics she was sticking her tongue and smiling in the pics. The pics are a little graphic so if you have a weak stomach i guess you shouldn't look. Here's the link. I was just so surprised that during the whole time she took it like a champ!
yeah it is. Funny thing was that she was laughing and smiling during the whole time at the hospital. lol
dude i remember when i was like five or six bouncing up and down on my mom and dads bed and fell of and landed on a random car seat in my parents room i had like 26 stitches lol that hurt pretty good....i still remember clearly me flying of the bed and the car seat on the floor an it coming closer and closer then i blacked out lol weird that i would remember dat but whatev just thought i would share the story........... im glad shes okay man, hope it heals up well.