more dumb questions

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by pontiac_fiero_g, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. pontiac_fiero_g

    pontiac_fiero_g Full Member

    how much better is 4v preamp out than 2v? do i really need three preamp outs?

    Dazed and Confused:confused:
  2. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    you need three pre outs if you are going to have a separate amp for your highs and want to retain control of the fader and other controls...if not than one full range output all you need.

    There is no sound quality difference or output difference between 4v and 2v outputs...amplifiers have a gain knob to match the inputs
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    The benefit of a higher pre out voltage is the abilityt to turn the amp gain down even more...which lowers the noise some cars this can make a huge others. it dont mean crap....

    All in all...I would generally go for the HU that ha the higher pre out voltage.
  4. ibanezFreak87

    ibanezFreak87 Full Member

    viking is right. but ....


    the classic example...

    I had a 8volt eclipse cd5000

    then I bought a 3volt kenwood 6019

    and the kenwood sounded TEN times better.

    that's just my experience.

    and you need 3 preouts if you plan on having a 4 channel amp and a subwoofer.

    if you just want a 4channel amp... then you just need 2 preouts..

    if you want just a sub woofer, then you just need one preout.
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    having 3 pre outs will offer you more flexabilaty later you can add up to 3 amps.

    back in the day you were lucky to have just one.then you were limited on what kind of setup you would have.

    so if you can get one with 3 then do so,cause you'll hate yourself for not. if you plan on upgradeing later.