mojo box sucks need new one

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by sweetescape, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    I'm tearing my system out and I want to build a new box. My current 16 cube box is poorly made....the walls are single half inch mdf. Way to thin in my opinion. Any box suggestions for two 15 inch mojos firing at the hatch in an escape
  2. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I need the dimensions that I can work with, also post a link to the specs of your woofers.

    My bed time is in 2-1/2-hours, I'm really old
  3. Good Vibes

    Good Vibes Member


    Atrend makes boxes for the MOJO's. Call them. Their number is on their website,, see if they have any. Would save you money and time.
  4. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    seriously? and you ask why it isnt loud.
  5. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    Lol...I didn't build this box.....I just want the specs to build a box tuned around 45hz....I plan on doin spl comps. I fried one colossus so I will be running 4k max on the 2 subs. They are the discontinued 15 d2 mojo. They post specs on the Memphis site. I'm more than capable of building the box...I just need dimensions. The width of the box can't be over 40 inches and the depth doesn't matter cause its a 2 seater
  6. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    I'll have to rethink this one again. In order to peak slightly higher, I need to be slightly smaller. Then we tune high for volume.

    The box will need to be 38-inches wide by 16.5-inches tall by 16-inches deep.
    (I'm going to double check these measurements)

    The port will be 15-inches tall by 3-inches wide. The port will need to be 11-inches long.
    Make sure the port is on the driver side of the box.

    Follow these directions please and make sure you add a brace between the two woofers.
  7. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    I'm guessing putting the port on the driver side is for when the meter goes in the drivers seat. What's this box Gona be tuned around?
  8. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    The port should be far away from the mic. Without the speaker specs I don't know what the box is tuned to. The port is tuned to around 44 Hz, which should put box overall tuning somewhere between 45 and 55 Hz.

    With the thiele/small parameters I can figure it out exactly. Post a link

    Now this box is no where near 16 cu ft. This box is 4.1 cu ft (NOT including the port area). If you want something a little bigger, no problem, let me know

    Just make sure that we have 40-inches wide.
  9. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Another Larger option would be this

    40-inches wide by 16.5-inches tall by 20-inches deep.

    The port size will increase slightly. Still 15-inches tall but now 5-inches wide
    The length of the port will be 14 inches long

    The port tuning will be the same, but the bigger box will cause overall tuning to reduce slightly.

    I Like This One BEST
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  10. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    I will try and find those specs. I just want a box that can get me over the 150db mark. I mite run my 2nd colossus later on if I ever get it fixed.
  11. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    For that I need a little more info. HOW FAR IS THE SPEAKER FROM THE MIC??

    If the speaker faces the rear of the vehicle, first measure the distance from the speaker to the rear Hatch, then measure the distance from the rear hatch to where the mic will be located.

    Thiele/Small parameters are a must. The way the box is designed has changed slightly and the first box might be a little louder than the second.
  12. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    What box will be louder than the 2nd? If a new box won't be louder than the old then what's the point. If 2 mojos can't do a 150 then I don't even want the things anymore...its kinda sad tho...thought these subs were meant for spl...starting to think Memphis sucks.
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    getting 150's from 2 subs is asking a lot from them. if you want more db's then add more power.

    it could just be a power issue, not a sub issue.

    now i know getting that loud can be done with 2 subs. ive seen it. but if you want to get there without pushing the amp to it its breaking point you'll need more power or more subs.

    is this for burps or music?
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i have a friend that put 1 assendant audio 15 in his pathfinder on 2 crescendo audio 3k's and he burped a 151.2 but on music it couldnt handle all that power for too long.
  15. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    More power? I'm running double the rated peak power on each think that would be more than enough power.150 isn't alot to ask from 2 15s that are suppose to be made for spl. I've seen single sub setups do well over 150. These subs in my current setup only do a 146.....I had 2 10s with maybe 1k pushing them and they would do 145 all day. I've never had any luck with Memphis....sometimes I think its all over rated.
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    how much power is it your running?

    then it could be a box issue.
  17. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    I was running 2 colossus's......between 6 and 8k total. It Did a 146 with just one wouldn't do but 145.4 with 2 amps. I thought that was weird. I have 3 kinetik hc2000s for a bank. With one amp I should be pushing atleast 1500rms to each sub.
  18. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Actually thats quite normal, I've seen that happen more than once. Get me those specs and those measurements. Lets see what we can do.

    I like a challenge and I think we can get to 150.
  19. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    Found my problem with my bad amp. Wire came loose from the solder on the inside...easy fix so I will have a 2nd amp if needed. As far as measuring specs I don't know cuz I don't have a box lol. I have no back seats so they can be as far away from the hatch as they need to be. It's around 75inches from the hatch to the headrest.
  20. sweetescape

    sweetescape Full Member

    Box is now 40" wide, 31" deep, and 18" tall. Side slot port on passenger side. It's 16.5" tall, 4" wide, 9" deep.