Missing Posts

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    There are Serveral Posts that have been lost

    it was my fault as I forgot to update my DNS info when the Host moved to a New Center and all the IP address were changed, therefore we were still posting to the old sever which was removed today, that is also the source of the outage today

    again sorry for that mistake,, just repost what you still need to talk about

    on a lighter note...

    I am going to be making soem very neat chages in the next month or so..

    I hope you all enjoy them,

    lets get membership up.
  2. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    like different color schemes hopefully? :D

  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    like different color schemes hopefully? :D

    started over

    less graphics

    more HTML

    No more "iframes"


    Faster Loading

    Seamless intgration with the Forums and the Site

    and I have a Few New things I am working on like

    Image Galleries :D
  4. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Sounds like it will run faster...