MichaelP, Shop4sound, alpine in stock?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by OR-G, Oct 23, 2002.

  1. OR-G

    OR-G Guest

    I figure this would be the place to post the question, and you'd have the best chance of seeing it. I just ordered an alpine 7995, and created one of those online tickets. I'm just checking to see if you've recieved it, and how long till you might return an email?

    I'm using my dad's CC, since I don't have one, yet he leaves on a business trip tomorrow for a couple weeks. I was wondering if you would be able to reply before 1pm tomorrow?
  2. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    just write all the info on the cc down, oh yeah do you have your dads permission???
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I just responded to the ticket
    https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=paypal@shop4sound.com&item_name=Alpine CD/MP3 Player&item_number=CDA7995&amount=$399.99 
    you will have to cut and paste that damn links                                          
    Last edited by Michael at Oct 24 2002, 05:24 AM
  4. OR-G

    OR-G Guest

    Thanks, I'll send the money this afternoon.

    Yes, I have permission for my dad's cc. My parents are buying this for my 20th bday. They figure when I'm 21 they'll just get be a couple bottles of JD. So this will be my last expensive gift. Better make it a good one.
  5. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    sweet buy. good luck and

    happy birthday