Marketing, Then The Truth.

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Steven Kephart, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I read a thread where someone was comparing the Stryke AV12 MKII to the Shiva. They said it had the same LFE, but uses half the size enlcosure and is more efficient. Because of this, I decided to model them up in WinISD.

    I went to Stryke's website and saw on the bottom a chart comparing different subwoofers displacement per dollar. Looking at the excursion per price of the Stryke driver, I was impressed. Well when I was entering the parameters into WinISD, it showed the Stryke's true Vd at 1.15L instead of the claimed 2.33L. Apparently they went by Xsus to figure it instead of Xmax. Well when I use the true Vd, I get $152.17 per liter, which is VERY close to the Brahma's. I just have so much more respect for a company that is honest with their "comparisions" instead of tweaking the numbers to make theirs look better.

    Now don't get me wrong. I am very impressed with the materials used in the driver for that low of a price. I am in no way attacking Stryke. I just found that marketing technique a little questionable, and funny when it backfired.
  2. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    not that i believe this is a stacked comparison...but i think it would have had a lot more credibility if this were posted a week ago :)

  3. deyton

    deyton Full Member

    They didn't use x-sus. Swept volume is calculated using 2-way x-max, even adire does this on the shiva page ;). By my calculations that's 2.29 L, so it is a little exaggerated. But do you really think a driver with a larger Sd and larger x-max than the shiva could have lower swept volume? :rolleyes:

    How come you only calculated the av12's without doing the others? Just assumed stryke was trying to mislead you/customers :rolleyes:? I Suggest you get the facts straight before you post something like this, especially since you're actually representing adire now. Speaking of lost respect...

    The shiva is now mark IV and the brahma is mark II so i'm assuming this is why those #'s are a little off. AV12 still wins though.
  4. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Ah, so WinISD was showing Vd for one way. I guess that explains it. Double what WinISD shows and you get your calculated displacement.

    Thanks for clearing that up Deyton. I guess I just learned something.

    And I haven't started at Adire yet. So please don't hold them responsible for my error.
  5. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    heh, i guess that was an honest mistake... But, i must question your reasoning for even making it an issue. Out of all the companies with misleading specs, why choose stryke to ATTEMPT to call out? I have my guess, but i'm not one to assume.. I have a certain margain of respect for you SK, i think you're a pretty knowledgable guy (far more than me), and tryin your darndest to be more knowledgable. That shows your true dedication to this business you're in. But, be careful how you step man. I'd have to doubt i'm the only one who see's this, but its very easy to speculate with good reason that a lot of the issues brought up by you have a little to do with your high regard for Mr. Wiggins and Adire. :detective:
  6. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Thanks for the kind words flawless. I have a lot of respect for you as well. I actually was debating before I posted what I did to leave Stryke's name out of it, and just say "company A". I had a feeling some may think I was trying to attack them, which is why I posted the last part. I think it worked out for the best the way I posted it because I learned something about WinISD that way. And I feel it it is worth learning something even if I do have to taste my feet again. :)

    Hey Michael, we have some great smilies and all, but we are missing an important one. We need a "wink" smilie.
  7. deyton

    deyton Full Member

    Sorry if I came off a little harsh before.
    I'm sure it was probably an honest mistake, but i'm just saying before you attempt to 'expose' a company, do at least a little fact checking to make sure you're right.

    Oh and there is a wink ;).
  8. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Heh, nothing wrong with tasting your feet from time to time. :puke: