Marijuana Initiatives Defeated in Nevada, Arizona

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The_Ancient, Nov 11, 2002.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    That is right the Marijuana Reform laws have failed thanks to a Major Dis-information campain Funded by the white house drug Czar and the DEA, who have a Advertising budget in excess of 180MILLION(too much IMO)

    Read more here in the MPP Press Release

    If they would spend this much time and money on the REAL crimes, and the HARD drugs, we would be alot better off....

    Makes you wonder, Does the DEA want to protect the Public or line its pockets?
  2. piperazine

    piperazine Full Member

    The federal government dosen't want to admit that they have been wrong for 70 years and wasting money fighting a "threat" that is less threatening than a legal drug, alcohol.

    It also took a misinformation campaign to make marijuana illegal in the first place.

    Even in the 30's they knew what they were telling the public were blantent lies.
  3. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    These Anti-Marijuana commercials are getting more rediculuos by the day!
    Did anyone see the one where two kids are at a party and then they boy ends up raping the girl or something like that. Then it says that marijuana lowers inhibitions......
    What a load of crap because if that was true everyone would be smoking weed in college and not drinking and taking girls back to their dorms.

    There are so many of them now thats it hard to keep track.
    I especially like the one where the kid shoots his friend in the face....priceless if you ask me.

    I ahve to stop laughing at them when Im around my parents cuz they might catch on
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I dont laugh.......

    True they are ridiculous, but that is my tax money that is funding that BS....

    On the "date rape" subject, what a stupid law that is,

    unless the girl is totally passed out, as in ASLEEP, IMO it is not rape

    Just because the next day the b!tch changes here mind does not consitute rape...

    and it gives females more power to "get even" with cheating guys, this has happened here, the girl scream "date rape" the guy was kicked out of purdue, his name smeared through the papers, only to hqve the girl retract her statement a few days later

    but did that matter to the collage or anyone, no, he was still not allowed to return to school. and his life was pretty much ruined over some b!tch's jeousy......

    And if the girl is passed out, that falls under standerd rape laws, not classified as date rape......