Losing power

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by Korporat Avengr, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. Korporat Avengr

    Korporat Avengr Full Member

    I have a 12" Kicker L5. it has been hitting hard since i got it, but for the last few days it has been alot quieter. I even turned the remote power on the amp up all the way and it still isnt anything compared to what it was. The amp is a MTX jh600.
    I never play it too loud, but the sub always throws out a burning smell no matter how loud its playing. Ive been told this is glue burning off...but now im starting to think the sub is defective. I dont think anything in my system is loose. What could be causing these problems?
  2. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I would assume that either 1 of your voice coils gave out or the wires to 1 of your voice coils came unhooked.I would use a dmm and find out whats going on.You might have to take the sub out and test each coil individually.
  3. Korporat Avengr

    Korporat Avengr Full Member

    Is it possible that my sub is blown? How would i be able to tell for sure?
    It has a burnt smell every time i play music even at low volume. My amp is putting 600w into it, and the sub is 600w rms...so can this amount of power be too much?
    I have usually kept the power level on the amp 3/4 to all the way up, but the gain all the way down and everything else normal setting. I always thought i could get more out of this sub, but i guess i was overpowering it? i thought kickers were supposed to be tough
  4. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I don't think that kickers are tough at all,but that's my opinion.Pull the sub out of the box and measure each voice coil individually and see what the meter is telling you.The gain is not a volume control,it's a dial to match up your head unit preout voltage to.Most h/u's have 2 volt preouts,but some have more.Look up your h\u model # and find out.The higher the voltage the lower the gain setting.It looks like(from the manual of the amp it says 5v to .25v)you were clipping your sub pretty bad.I have 5 volt preouts and that means that I would set the gain all of the way down.For 2 volt preouts,I would say 1/3 up on the gain,but definitely not half or above.I hope this helps save your future investments.I was very lucky,I(years ago)always cranked the gain all the way up and never blew a speaker.
  5. Korporat Avengr

    Korporat Avengr Full Member

    How do i measure the coils? will an ohm meter do anything because thats the only thing i have.
    I have a Kenwood x994 deck with 4V preouts. that made a huge difference after changing from alpine with 2v preouts.
    Yea the gain on my amp goes from .25v to 5v, its labeled around the screw. I have it all the way down. how was it clipping? how would i fix this problem??