Looks Who Is Back On Caf

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

  2. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I gotta take Kirk's side on this one in relation to your response. I think he is trying to do right by everyone now....yes it is waaayyyy too late and that is inexcusable, but he's at least hanging around unlike some who would have just taken the money and ran.

    His reasons for shutting down are irrelevant IMO. I have heard that the embezzlement scheme was what led to the demise ultimately. The company only consisted of a few workers in teh first place and if you have to fire two or three of your best people, turn around times are going to suffer. The time it took ampman to recieve money and ship products are ultimately what hurt them IMO.
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    my problems with emblezzlment is they you dont see it too often in a business with under 10 employees,

    how did it happen?

    Personally one by one the brands started dropping him, First Adire, then Oynx, then Arc, then Brax, then , then , then, yet HE dropped THEM :rolleyes: :lmfao:

    I will refan from comment on the "take the money and run" but I will say many of the best ebay scammers stay in conact with their "customers" after the scam, some time for Months, so they can continue to scam others..........
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    I'll also argue that 9/11 and the ensuing war in Iraq had a huge affect on all retail sales. Working in retail before and after the conflict, there was a definite difference. The affect wasn't direct, but there was definitely an indirect effect....

    The stock market plummeted as a result of these events, which will sway those who invest from purchasing anything for a while in fear that the market will bottom out and they will be out a large amount of cash. Also, unemployment numbers were reaching record highs as companies began to lay off workers to cover for lost income. If people are in fear of losing their job, or if they had already lost their job, the chances of them spending money on luxury items is very slim.

    So i think his argument is pretty solid.
  5. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    LOL, always the conspiracy theorist eh Mike?

    How do you know money can't be embezzled in a small company. My dad is an insurance agent and he employees at the most 3 people at a given time, so that's 4 total counting him. He's had to fire 2 people for embezzling money...yes he found out rather quickly, but they did get away with it for a short while.
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    ohh here we go again

    Jeeze I thought we all got past this



    the two are UNRELATED events

    that is like saying a tornado in Kansas cases a Earthquake in LA
  7. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    So you're saying that 9/11 contributed in no way to the market falling further down? No correlation there at all huH?
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes and no, but cetinatly no to the extent to amercan people want to believe it did, people always take the easy road, and it sickens me, all that did was give them a excuse...
  9. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Ok regardless, lets take Iraq and 9/11 out of it. The struggling economy contributed to ampman's demise. Agreed?
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I guees with your thinking I should trow my hands in the air and claim the the Bush Adminstation Destory my Business

    Maybe I should sue them too :lmfao:

    in reality those events did not effect me AT ALL expect for slightly inflated gas prices which in itself is a ruse for the oil companies to make more money

    Anyone that Truely Belives those events cause the major economic problems are

    1> in Denial

    2> a Pawn in the grand sceme of the goverment and media game
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I said that already

    He posted that as Number 1 of the three reasons

    I only disagreed that Iraq caused the slowing sales

    I feel there are far more tangable exlpainions

    Like from talks with ben at ED they are selling subs like Hot Cakes, they did not seem to be effected by Iraq? so what made Ampman so differante

    or Adire, I did not see them slowing down, funny they added more new dealers in that time than I had ever seen before

    or Kicker, they posted recored earning during that time

  12. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    i agree with this...the economy was in a downhill run about a year before the war...in fact...there was a small boost during the war time

    so from my stand point i cannot see blaming 9/11....because this dip in the economy didn't become apparent untill fall of 2002....and i can't blame the iraq war either...because i saw an increase in sales from april to july of this year...only to fall drastically from then untill now

    i am not talking about any reports and retail maybe a little different...i am in food service....and these are the things i noted in this area
  13. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    :starwars: ...we really need this one over at CAF micael :D

    ps...does becoming an elite member disable flood control?...sorry about the OT
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    all explained here


    any more questions on the elite member program post in the 'christmas speical"thread, back to the topic
  15. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    who here knows EXACTLY what happened with ampman and adire?

    i do...but i doubt id be allowed to speak on it. it was some bad business decisions that got kirk in trouble. i dont care HOW good you can spin stuff...adire had removed ampman from their list of internet dealers well before kirk announced he was dropping adire :stupid:

  16. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    oh, and one more thing...adire was ampmans life support.

    more or less, mr. kirk shot himself in the foot and then tried running a marathon. was anyone surprised that it happened? :D

  17. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    so the mighty ampman audio went crashing down?.... did they not have exclusive rights to all those companies you mentioned? . Mike...
  18. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    like i said on CAF, it was not a thing as .. people are at war, i will buy less car audio...that's not it at all

    i have taken an economics class and am currently in another one and can very well understand how something like that would have a profound affect on retail....

    this is not to say that he's being completely open and honest...i'm just saying that it's a valid point that the war on terrorism would affect retail sales
  19. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    i think its funny that kirk gave 3 reasons, but the whole "the war caused people to quit buying" actually falls under the whole economy thing :oops:

  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    people seem to be missing the Point

    in any given market I can show GROWTH by some companies and Declines by others

    is was NOT the war that directly effected sales, Hell at the End of 2002 Kicker Announced RECORD EARNINGS

    Adire and ED both "looked", I have no numbers, to be growing pretty good

    I know myself, and EVERYSINGLE person I know was not directly effected AT ALL short of the raised gas prices by the "war"

    Infact since the war started, as I mentioned somewhere, my situtation has imporved 10000% percent over