looking for a bluetooth only amp

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by fripp_gustafsso, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. fripp_gustafsso

    fripp_gustafsso New Member

    I am looking for an amp without any controls. All I want is something that receives my bluetooth signal, amplifies and sends it to the speakers. I don't want any knobs, buttons, displays etc.
    All the rest will be handled by the bluetooth device. Is there such a device out there?
  2. ericj

    ericj Full Member

    I've never heard of it and don't think it exists. Besides, the amp would need at a minimum a power, remote, and ground wire, so there's a big disincentive for developing the thing IMO since you'd still need wires.

    If you're good with electronics, you could build a bluetooth receiver that connects to your amp's line inputs. I don't think it'd be terribly complicated to do. Sending the amplified signal to the speakers via bluetooth would be impossible. Either way, it'd be a lot of work and fairly expensive.

    Your best bet would be to get a HU that supports bluetooth input.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2010