loading panels..technical question

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_spacemonkey, Aug 24, 2002.

  1. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I was wondering how loading panels work. I know for a fact that loading a sub differently changes how loud they are because when I change the distance from the rear of my hatch, the bass changes volume. The thing is fo my install, I would like my subs to face toward the front of my car, but I get nearly zero bass like that. It seem like the front seats re a dead spot because i hear lots of bass when I move my head forward or backward, but if I sit normally, It just isnt there. I have ended up pointing my subs towards the rear because that seems like the only way to get good bass. I have a hatch back and the face of the box with the subs actually sits at like 65 degrees instead of the standard 90 degree cube. I figguredThat it would point up my hatch and sound better..... how wrong I was. Now I guess my question is, If I make a set of lading panels for my subs(2 12W3's) do you think it will allow me to point the subs forward and still get good bass response? another question on the technical side of the panels is, What will be the difference if i load the subs evenly(ie panel parallel with the sub) or unevenly(one side of the panel closer than the other). Would the uneven way creat a sort of horn effect and direct the sound up my hatch? If your confused on what Im saying, check out this pic i made in paint that has a diagram of the two methods of which I am speaking.

    If Im just retarded tell me. Any help would be appreciated!!

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I have never tried a horn effect on a loader, I've always done in paralell. Look here and scroll down to the red and yellow waves. The waves are a simple diagram, but the article goes into nice detail and it will explain why cancelling waves are created in the car, and this is what you are experiancing. The loader should help, but there is no real science to it all, just trial and error as far as I know. Maybe Geo can shed a little light on the subject.