Everyone does it, but then when they go to start their car its dead. I got a party this weekend and i was thinkin of usin my car for the music. How can i listen to it loudly without the battery going dead because mine goes dead quickly? Can i take another battery and jus hook it up with the other for the party? Can i just throw the battery charger on it to act as an alternator? can i hook up multiple battery chargers?
i agree with that but iv also heard that you hit the gas every 10 to 15 that will help your battery from losin power....dont know if that is true or not but just thought i would throw that out there.
that would take alot of gas though wouldnt it? I mean for like a couple hours maybe. i was thinkin i could hook up 2 chargers but idk the whole voltage thing on the chargers. isnt there a 6V 2A, 6V 6A, and 12V 6A? wellanyway, could i just hookup 2 chargers to the 12V setting or would that make it 24V?
its a old cutlass tho, not a honda! lol but i will just check it all out. and i meant that if i hooked up 2 at 12V if it would make it 24 or not cause that wouldnt be good.
yah lmao.....my buddy that said that has a honda lol sorry kinda forgot about what car you own..... but to be honest i really dont think that it would take that much gas..... it would save you from having to hook up all that sh**
I sometimes run my car at an idle for about 2 hours. it doesn't waste too much and i drive a guzzler!
ok, i will prolly just do that lol. i got to thinkin bout it and if i even use 3-4 gallons its not even $8 so it should be fine.
yeah, it's not that bad... if you'll be listening towards the rear of the car just watch out for the exhaust fumes. we usually just stick one of the garbage can lids near the exhaust so the we don't smell the fumes. lol.
im not sure if you are supposed to be running the car when you have it on the battery charger..but i agree with everyone else, just leaving your car on while you're listening to it sounds like your best bet