KICKER warhorse & Rockford Fostgate 2500!

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by hondacivic94, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. hondacivic94

    hondacivic94 New Member

    Hey i am a new member and i currently live in england. I am after these two amps for a reasonable price. If anyone knows where i can get one please let me know. Cant seem to find them. Am looking to spend 1500 on the kicker or cheaper and thats for shipping as well. The RF not to sure :S I need them to power a kicker solo x 18''.

  2. monster71

    monster71 Full Member

    $1500 for the war horse? Thats a $10,000 amp. has it on sale for $7000. Halfprice car has it for $4200 Maybe ebay auction. Gonne b hard to find at ur price range. Good luck. Keep us posted.
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  3. hondacivic94

    hondacivic94 New Member

    i can get one brand new for 1400. Kicker has stoped selling these there actually really cheap. You can get one on some audio forums for 1300 shipped
  4. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Please tell all of us where you can get a warhorse for 1300. shipped! Ill buy 2 tomorrow. Besides if you can get it for that price why are you asking us where to get it?