Kicker CompVR 12 Box-Ported or Sealed?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kennyg, Feb 27, 2003.

  1. kennyg

    kennyg Full Member

    OK, I just got these tonight, and they are the 2002's, got them from AbsoluteNate69. I really wanna port them, space is unlimited, as you guys always say a properly ported box will yeild good SQ compared to optimum sealed box. I'm downloading WinISD as we speak, so hopefully, I can figure something out on there tonight.
  2. Polecat

    Polecat Full Member

    2.0 sealed will offer the best in SQ, yet have great bump to them. I think you'll like them sealed. :)
  3. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I have only heard them in sealed. From what I heard they sounded prety good and were a good bit louder than the JL 15w3s that were in there before. The enclosure size was a little on the small side but overall it sounded pretty good. I say fool around with winISD for a little and see what kind of curve you can get with ported them. But you may want to take polecats advise on this one... :D
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Considering the man works with the subs all day every day...i'd take his advice.
  5. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I have 2 10's in a 1.1 sealed and am very impressed with the sound. The only distortion I can hear is coming from my car itself.

    Last Friday at my jobs parking lot I decided to see what these things would sound like if they were in a hatcback. :D
    SO........I pulled my rear sets down and brought the volume upto 18(w/o media expander) and I almost shat my pants! I swear to god all my windows were shaking loose inside their frame and I felt that they would break if I didnt turn it down. The rattling inside my car was attrocious(sp), the whole car was just falling
    I have 800W going to them btw........

    Godamn Civics! :lol:
  6. squatchie

    squatchie Full Member

    I would go with the 2.0 sealed....the SQ advantage over the ported box of approx. the same size would be a lot. rolloff can be pretty harsh 1/2 Octave below the tuning freq. :ph34r:
  7. QtRKoR

    QtRKoR Full Member

    The manual says that the power handling is 400W RMS in 1cu.ft sealed box. What is the power handling in 2 cu.ft sealed box? Does it drop to 300W RMS?

    Also what is the best ported box for the 12" CompVR.
