Hey guys I was bidding on an amp on ebay which just happens to come on a sub and basically I decided that I don't really want it. I bid 25.00 bucks on it and its a Kenwood 7202 with a Kenwood sub in a box on it. Looks like its in pretty good shape here is the link. Prolly a nice sub and amp for someone out there. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=200067945201&ssPageName=STRK:MEBI:IT&ih=010
Saved by the guy that thinks that stuff is cool and got a good deal, when in reality its all smoked, blown up and tastes like burnt rubber...............??????
haha....nice Dave. Well I did the buy now thing for a cobra radar detector for my friend...but then we found a cheaper priced one on an actual website...i just never paid up for it lol