Kenwood 6180 problems

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by FDH, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. FDH

    FDH New Member

    Very frustrated, need help.

    Bought a 2011 Subaru Forester last week, had a Kenwood DNX 6180 professionally installed. First day out I heard a Morse Code type interference. Happened for a few seconds then quit. Next day it happened again, for a few seconds at first then later for a minute or so. Morse Code at times is a steady tone lasting 10 - 20 seconds, happens on Sirius, using BT, or anytime. The tone is steady in pitch, and is a constant volume regardless of the HU volume, and in fact the HU can be set to volume zero and the tone is still heard.

    I've had the ground double checked, the factory BT unit is reported to be in the factory HU which is on my shelf at home, the factory BT mike is disconnected. No steering wheel controls are being used.

    The only thing I've noticed is it seems to occur while passing trucks, so I'm thinking maybe interference from them ?

    I'm looking for any thoughts or suggestions. My dealer will stand by his work, but he is at his wits end also. He has heard it both over telephone (BT) and has been inb the car with me when it occurs, so there is no "it's your imagination".

    Any thoughts appreciated. FDH