keep blowing up speakers (new guy)

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by skidmarks, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. skidmarks

    skidmarks Full Member

    i have 2000 f150 i used to have kenwood 900watt and then 1800. my speakers were alphasonik 1000watts. had just one speaker had it hooked up right power and ohms not nearly even cranking it they would blow they were in an obcon box which are bad for speakers alone but very loud. got the 1800 kac-9152d still blew speakers quietly? now have massive p1000.1 2000watt hooked up to alpine 1500watt swr-1022d blew upish didnt spell didnt grind voice ciol just stopped is al this happening because i dont have an extra batt or power cell. i had a kenwood deck now pioneer with optima batt and high out put altenator . is it just an un consistant power or just crap speakers bla bla bla.
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Welcome to CAT!!!

    Well alphasonik isn't a good brand to begin with. it sounds to me that the reason you keep on blowing your subs is because you are clipping the signal. Meaning your pushing your subs too hard.

    What gauge wires are you using for your system? do you set your gains with a DMM? you said that you hooked everything up right, what are the exact models of your subs that you blew? SVC or DVC? how many ohms?

    In my system, I'm using a stock alternator and a stock battery and I have no issues except for a little dimming but once I do the big 3 that should stop it from happening. I'm at about 1700 to 1800 watts rms so I don't think that is your problem.
  3. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i have a few questions.

    1. what is the gain set at?
    2. are you using any bass boost?
    3. are you using an eq?if so do you have the bass cranked on it?

    like CC said. i too am running a stock alt and 1 batt in the stock location.(optima red top) and i have a total rms of 1100 watts. big 3 and no dimming tho. so you dont seem to have a power issue.

    just double check the speakers impedance just to make sure.
  4. skidmarks

    skidmarks Full Member

    kind of by ear and specifications of subs frequencys and ohm . my current was 1ohm. the thing is vol. down, and filter protection on?:confused: barely use boost. and levels on deck r set low i have optima bat . wut is big 3
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    If you keep blowing speakers it is user error...seems like you need to learn how to correctly set up the amp and deck
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    over excursion then mechanical failure?

    playing below tuning?
  7. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    good thought, you may be going lower than what the box is designed for and at that point with that much wattage its all bad
  8. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    also make sure you're starting out with the gain at the amp on 0 then slowly work your way up, dont go above half for now and see what happens.
  9. skidmarks

    skidmarks Full Member

    waiting for my sub to come back. i can hear a speaker stress from a mile away. theres apiont were a speaker starts to loos bass . i did get an alternator from orylee's , its an high amp out put. i should have the stuff to do the new altinator cable. do have red optimahad ground tested .i like pizza steve
  10. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Glad to hear someone else is frying speakers LOL, Welcome!