Jl Audio

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by fb4076, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    I don't know about you guys, but anyone that has gotten into car audio recently always seems to think the W7 is the GOD SUB.... I am not debating how good a sub it is, I know it is good, but there are things that are just as good.... My question is, why is it that this seems to be the general consensus from people that are brand new? Is there just more advertising for the sub? Or do dealers just push it more?
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I think a few things really.
    It is a great sounding sub.
    It gets loud.
    It's punchy.
    It can handle some serious power.
    Look at it, it sure is impressive isn't it?
    How much does it cost? Then it must be the best.

    My personal feeling is simply that the driver fits all these categories quite well. It's sound is one that is generally associated with what the typical car audio enthusiast wants. Therefore it must be the best ;) . The driver is loaded with technilogical advancements also. I mean, this is a driver that was buit specifically to be a W7, from the ground up, with very few standard parts.

    Is it the top in any category listed above? No. I've heard better, louder and more punchy subs. I have seen better looking subs, and been around more expensive subs that can handle alot more power. But it does take all these attributes and piles it all into one sub better than any sub before it.

    Is it the God of CA subs? Maybe not, but it is among the very, very, very finest few in the world IMHO.
  3. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    In many ways, i do agree with what Seth said. But i'll give my take on it.

    Any sub that actually compares to the w7 in overall performance isn't a woofer on the shelf at any shop. If you're guy that just goes from shop to shop looking for the best, you're gonna come up with the w7 IMO. But if you dig a lil deeper, you'll find some that some believe is better. You'll find your brahma's, XXX, ED A's, and so forth. But when you put the w7 against stuff normally seen in shops, its the best pound for pound all the way across the board. Its by far the best woofer sold in my area. So, in a nut shell, newbies don't have much to put it against.

    Now, is it the best? Depends on what you're talkin about, but to be honest, all factors considered, it just may be the best, and you can't really knock anybody who says so, for it is an incredible woofer. Its an amazingly adaptive driver. It works for everybody. It a small sealed enclosure, its punchy, fast and authoritive. Throw it in a large sealed enclosure, it has a dumb low end, still punchy, but not as punchy as it is in the small sealed, remains accurate, and just flat out performs for ya. Throw it in a big ported enclosure, its a brand new driver. In my experience with it ported, it really sounds like a different driver. I'd like to compare its sound ported to a brahma. Its not punchy or fatigueing. Its presence, of course thats until you throw in bass mekaniks or lil john or something. Its mean. My personal opinion, its the best driver i've experienced overall, but there's many drivers i still want to get my hands on.

    Biggest thing though, is that when you get into woofers at that level, it begins to come down to personal preference. The w7 is my kind of woofer, while the brahma is Seths kind of woofer. Both are amazing drivers, but each has characteristics that suite the different listeners.

    Is it the best? To the general public, yes, it is, for what else do they have to compare it to? Remember, most people you run into in shops and such don't know ED, Adire, SI, and ID exist.
  4. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    Ok, well... that all makes a lot of sense to me. I know that the W7 is not the ultimate sub that puts all others to shame. But it is by FAR the best sub that I have ever heard. I would have liked to look into buying some of the other subs that you have mentioned, but there is no possible way to hear them. Do you all know of any way that I can hear one of those subs, short of being lucky and running into someone with them? I live in a town of about 12,000 people, in Southwest Missouri, so the odds of that happening are fairly small...
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It is almost the "ultimate sub" if you were to look at it from a chassis and suspension standpoint... enough to make you drool, it's got more cone excursion capability than just about any other half-roll/spider suspended subwoofers out there.

    That being said, it's "only" got about the same amount of Xmax as the Brahma or XXX.
    Why? It's motor limited. The motor is only linear to about the same distance as the Brahma or XXX can travel.

    The Brahma and XXX (and most other subs out there) are rather limited by how far the cone can move in, because at about 35mm the cone touches down on the spider landing, give or take a few depending on cone/spider combos.

    Of course, the W7 needs a mounting depth that's almost ludicrous, because of it's ultra-deep chassis... but it really is a work of art, from that standpoint.
  6. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    Ok, this question is a little off topic, but I didn't want to start a new one.... How do the JL Audio component speakers size up to the rest? I have those in my truck, and I am not really sure what speakers I want. I am trying to use the sound of mine as a sort of reference point to kind of base my decision.... what are some speakers that are better?
  7. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    XRs are great SQ comps.... comparable to anything in their price range.

    The new ZRs are supposedly to die for.... haven't heard them though.
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'll second feandil on that. I love the XR comps. They could get a bit lower, but their tweeter is awesome. I'd say great for twice the cost ;) .

    The VRs are really so-so. A great set for the dollar, but I would spend the extra penny for the XR set
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I agree, the VR's are kind of a yawn.

    The XR's I've had for a few years now, and they are honestly one of my favorites, there's nothing that I can picture that is significantly better... making them a tremendous value, at their price point.

    I did hear the ZR's, at JL Audio's booth at CES, in a very long extended demo in their mini cooper (thanks to Manville Smith), and they actually DO improve over the XR's... they are truly beautiful, detailed, realistic, listenable... everything you'd want.

    But, the ZR's cost 2x what the XR's cost... and the difference is more subtle than anything.

    Do I like the VR's? Eh...
    Would I buy the VR's? I'll pass.

    Do I like the XR's? I love them (and love is a strong word :lol: ).
    Would I buy the XR's? Heck yes... before almost anything else. Great value... "whatchaget for the dollar".

    Do I like the ZR's? They are truly amazing...
    Would I buy the ZR's? I'd still probably opt for the XR's... the XR's are about 98% of the ZR's sound, but at 50% of the price.