Jl 18w6 Chosing the right amp

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by cali108, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. cali108

    cali108 Full Member

    I have two of these puppies and I'm not completly understanding ohms, so here are my choices I have 2 amps I can use that I have laying around

    PPI PPI2200AM 200x2 (not bridgeable) old school black

    Zapco Ref 350 (white one)

    okey so I've got dual voice coils on each speaker wired in parrell
    so that equals a 3ohm load. I guessing i could change that if I had too... I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to run them in stereo. Accaully I have no Idea, any suggestions or advice.

    I found this through some searching...

    "the 18w6's that ive run have allways been wired for 4 ohm mono which is an easy fix with any big 2 ch amp. Prob is you need 3. If your doing 1, it can be ran 6 ohm stereo or 12 ohm mono (which is terrible). 2 can be run 12 ohm stereo, 3 ohm stereo (which is decent, have heard this sound good) or 1.5 ohm mono (oh ya). And of course 3 can be run 4 ohm mono (intended mode) and several other weird ways. dual 6 ohm voicecoils is a tricky, and work best in 3's (duh)"

    "PPI 2200AM is basically 2 2-channel amps in one chassis. Each amp is
    bridged already. This amp will put out the following wattage:
    2x200 @ 4 ohms
    2x400 @ 2 ohms

    The AM series would actually shut off with a 1.5 ohm or
    lower(stereo) load and the low imedance light would illumunate. To
    connect a mono load use the Left + and Right - speaker leads.

    so does this mean I can run 2x300 @3 ohms??? or would it be 1.5 ohms if the amp is internally bridged


    specs http://mobile.jlaudio.com/pdfs/15_18W6_BDS.pdf
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010