It's been awhile...and I'm about flip out!!!!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Audio Nut, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    Well....FINALLY i got my alternator in was funny because i finally got someone to do it...and it was a bitch!!!(comeon its a neon) finally got cranking it up...(its really pounding now)...thats all fine and good...but i look@the street and my headlights are dimming terribly(its not just light dim and its with every bass hit) my first instinct tells me that the alt(from dominick) isnt putting out the rated 180 amps...because my headlights are dimming hard and i assume thats because the alternator cant keep up....

    im seriously about to flip because i paid 300 for it....ive waited 6-9 months just to get it in...

    what should i do...i dont see anything that could be wrong...although it might be a dead battery but i havent had any probs with it...

    someone please help me before i send Mr. Dominick a very nasty email

  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well first

    Alternators dont put out Max power at idle speed, it is not going to give you 180amps at 1000rpm

    what Rating was that given at? that is like saying you have a 100w amp but not giving a ohm load.........

    alternators are rated xxxamps @ xx rpm

    next if you just upgraded the alternator and you still have a dimming problem you need to trouble shoot other areas that can cause problems,

    Such as, did you upgrade the wire running to the alternator?

    Did you up grade the main ground for the car?

    Remeber Current is like Water, you can add a HUGE pump, but if you have a small hose you will only get sooo much out.......

    then if all else fail, have the alternator tested
  3. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    well first

    Alternators dont put out Max power at idle speed, it is not going to give you 180amps at 1000rpm

    ***i was going down the freeway@65mph...and my headlights are dimming like crazy

    alternators are rated xxxamps @ xx rpm

    ***not sure what the rating on the amp is...but i was pullin...bout 2750rpms

    Such as, did you upgrade the wire running to the alternator?

    ***No because i know absolutely nothing about cars...and just to get the alt in was a bitch....

    Did you up grade the main ground for the car?

    *** cause i dont know nuffin bout cars...

    then if all else fail, have the alternator tested

    ***i hope it doesnt come to that cause i dont remember how to get it took two people to get it boy and my dad...took a good few hrs(cuz its on a yr old neon) gonna try and upgrade the wire...or have someone do it...shit...shouldnt cost that much...hopefully its easy enuff i could do it(doubt it tho)

    thanks tho....really appriciate it...

    but what do i do if its only rated@80-90 amps...if its tested and they say that??
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well if you paid for a 180amp alt and did not get one, I would email the manufacter and send it back

    but upgrading the "magic 3" should solve your problems

    1> Alt to battery
    2> Battery to Ground
    3> Eng to Ground
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Dom is good, I don't think there is an issue there. Even though the alt can create more current, it will not be able to deliver it without sufficient wire. Upgrade your magic 3, you will be cool ;)
  6. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Your battery could be on death row too. But I think upgrading the magic 3 should help out alot.