It looks like this is my new home....

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by systempimp_1500, Sep 26, 2002.

  1. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    Ok well im officially fucking sick of car audio forum and termpro(500+ post on


    It seems for

    some reason that everyone on them thinks I'm a fucking retard or something.

    All i ever do is get bashed for stuff that people take the wrong way, especially

    ceed. Besides its empty over at caf without abra. So im going to use this place

    more often from now on, and hope that i dont get bitched out all the time.

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Nonsense. I've seen you post plenty of useful information. I have definately seen you post more worthy advice than some "seasoned" installers. Your advice and opinions are welcome, and I promise our maturity level to be higher than the other forums.

    Thanks for calling our little hole in the wall home.
  3. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    :) thats what i like to hear. finally a place that i feel welcome at........ :D
  4. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    reason # 638 why CAT is the best forum on the net. read above...... ;)
  5. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    um...take things the wrong way? like that post where you called me a dickhead for asking how you knew the shiva's would sound better than the e12k's? it was a straight up question...and you started name calling :blink:

    btw, you still never answered my question over there about that hehe
  6. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    um...take things the wrong way? like that post where you called me a dickhead for asking how you knew the shiva's would sound better than the e12k's? it was a straight up question...and you started name calling :blink:

    btw, you still never answered my question over there about that hehe[/b][/quote]
    yeah sorry about that. im just used to hearing so much about the

    shiva and how good it sounds. i wasnt trying to be a jerk, although it came across

    that way. anyways........geez there's a lot of people pissed at me..... :(

    Last edited by systempimp_1500 at Sep 27 2002, 11:59 PM
  7. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    well...smiley faces work wonders when you wanna sound sarcastic or to convey certain moods :)

    it's all good now tho...dickhead :p j/k