Is there a difference between...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Digital Hazard, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. Digital Hazard

    Digital Hazard New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking to remove my mitsubishi colt stereo, and after searching the net on how to do it I found a good tutorial.

    So I want to remove the head unit first and check I have the same wiring as the tutorial.

    I know which radio removal keys I need to get, but the removal keys (from the same site as the tutorial) are a couple of quid more than from ebay.

    Is a removal key a removal key, or should I pay a bit extra and get the Autoleads set?

    I know this sounds stupid but will cheap removal keys do the job just as well?

    I'm wondering if they'll do me a deal if I buy the full fitting kit. I'm new to this - are dealers usually flexible?

    I'll be back for head unit advice then I'm sure =)
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    a key is a key. not sure why a factory head needs a key to remove it tho.

    can you post a pic of your headunit?