Is my HU dead?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by masterguns81, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. masterguns81

    masterguns81 New Member

    Hi, I'm new the the forum and need a little help. I just installed a new amp and was tweaking the settings when I started to hear interference through the speakers. Supposedly the culprit was behind the HU, maybe a power lead too close to a signal wire or something, so I got back there to move some wires around. Didn't help, so I just put the whole console assembly back and went back to tweaking the amp, trying to ignore the annoying interference noise for the time being. It was then, the whole HU (an Alpine CDA-9885) went dead. I figured I must have severed the power lead when I was fiddling with things. Sure enough, some of the connections on the wiring harness came loose. I fixed them and tried turning the HU on. Nothing, so I removed the entire wiring harness and went through it lead by lead, disconnecting and reconnecting every one. I put the harness back, checked the ground and remote turn on leads, and tried again to power up the HU. Again, nothing. Now I'm at a loss, after running around with no amp and thus no tunes for months, I get a new amp installed and my HU goes out. Every wire and lead behind the HU has been accounted for, the fuse looks good. I don't believe any fuses in the car's fuse box(s) could be responsible. Any ideas?
  2. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I would double check the fuses in the fuse box and the inline fuse to the h/u just to make sure.I've had alot of wiring mishaps myself and it sucks,so be sure of all of your fuses first and then we can help you dig deeper into it.
  3. masterguns81

    masterguns81 New Member

    Thanks for the tip! Can a fuse be bad even if it's not blown?
  4. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Sometimes it can be really hard to see.Also check the wires for a soft or melted spot.I had it once where the wire separated inside the sleeve.It took me about 4 hours to find it.Good luck,I hope it's just a fuse.