Is a small box harmful to Subs?

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by nick_mdx, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. nick_mdx

    nick_mdx Full Member

    I have ported box I made a few months ago and i want to drop in 2 SA-15s. There's very little info on these subs but they recommend 3 cubes for a ported box. I'm not sure if this is internal or external first of all but my box is about 3.2 cubes per sub or 6.4 cubes for both, but externally. So i'm thinking they're about 2.8-2.9 cubes per sub. My question is, is this going to hurt the subs at all? or will it just not go as low? Thanks guys!
  2. nick_mdx

    nick_mdx Full Member

    Anyone? If it helps the dimensions are 40"x18"x15.5" and there are 2 ports both 17"x1.5". any input would be great.
  3. kostyam69

    kostyam69 Full Member

    thats really isnt that big for a 15 inch.... ofcourse i have no clue what an SA subwoofer is to begin with... but a CVX 15 requires more than what you got.... as far as being harmful, if you think you are losing bass and damaging your subs id look at the amount of fluttering that your subs are doing.... i blew 2 10s having them in too big of a box....
  4. nick_mdx

    nick_mdx Full Member

    Thanks kostyam, yea I'm not too worried about losing a little bass because these will be plenty for my daily needs I just don't want to hurt the woofers at all. I've heard that too big of a ported box can be harmful but I'm not really sure about too small of one.
  5. kostyam69

    kostyam69 Full Member

    well you having a ported box i would think is a little less risk, because even if your box IS too big you're losing the bass through too much air escaping through the port, now if you had a sealed box it maybe a little diff story
  6. shriver187

    shriver187 Full Member

    too small of a box is not really harmfull.. just will lack some low end bass and not be as efficient
  7. nick_mdx

    nick_mdx Full Member

    That's kinda what i figured, so I decided to go with the 12's because i found out my box should be perfect for those to go nice and low.