Iphone direct to amp?

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by JONEVERITT, Oct 9, 2010.


    JONEVERITT New Member

    Please could you confirm whether this will work, my stereo has not got a jack to input my iphone. So my plan is to run an rca to a 3.5 jack and a separate switched/fused power lead. I think I will need the seperate power lead as presumably just turning the stereo on (to switch amp on) but volume down to nothing will confuse the amp?

    Any advice would be appreciated

  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i think the less confusing way is to buy a new head unit if possible.

    is this an aftermarket radio or stock unit?

    JONEVERITT New Member

    It is an after market unit, it is an OK Kenwood stereo, just a bit old!! Not planning to keep the car long so wanted a cheap option to listen to the iphone
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    my other suggestion would be to buy an eq with 2 separate inputs, but if your not keeping the car i would save your cash for when you get the new car.
  5. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    You can "Y" the cable directly with the existing radio one. There shouldn't be a problem with the radio on and turned down. You could play both at the same time but that might get really annoying. If you're really concerned, get a video game selector and switch the units through that. The audio ones that normally go to the TV go to the amp.

    Like this, which you can nab for $5-$10:

    JONEVERITT New Member

    Thanks, great idea, I have ordered one

  7. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    now thats was an idea i never thought of. good find.