A customer had a radio installed by a "Professional" and it didn't work. I suggested that he take it back to the "Professional" that installed it. In the end I told him there was a 55 dollar diagnostic fee plus whatever the repair cost might be. Diagnosis took less than one minute Yellow, Red and Black wires are missing out of the harness. What are the antenna plugs doing in the RCA Jacks? and why is there a second antenna plug? I need to meet the mastermind ..........
Lol, what do you do for a living ranger? And what youve never run antenna connectos instead of RCA's? its a great way to boost the power to the HU. Thats pretty bad though, i wonder what kind of profeesional installed that...
Believe it or not, I'm an Installer. Not for long hopefully, I have passed the math test for teacher certification and only one more test to go. Then I can be a High School Math Teacher (when I grow up) The truck is a panel delivery truck. I thought it was funny, I love these "Professionals", it provides comical relief.
Right on bro, thats a good path to take! and where.... where exactly did her get another antenna line?...