Installation Has Begun

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by zac.carlson, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. zac.carlson

    zac.carlson New Member

    I thought I should keep you all posted on the status of my install. I just need to run all of the wiring for the 4-ch amp, figure out what I'm going to do to get a signal to the amp (LOC/PAC-OEM ?). Then I'll be ready to drop in some components. Though I still have no idea what I'll end up using in the end.

    Either way, here are some pics to check out: Pictures

    I would like some opinions on a sub. As you can see, there's not a whole ton of space, and you'll have to assume about 75% of it will need to remain open. I went out and mesaured, and even thugh I don't remember exact dimensions I have about 11.5"H x 13" W x 23" L outside dimensions to work with. In which case I think either the 10" Brahma or 10" Koda would work, sealed. Though I don't know if it would be quite enough room for the Koda.

    I could also go with a 12" infinite baffle set-up. I've got the room in the rear deck to do it, and I don't think it would be hard to make a new rear deck for the sub out of two sheets of 0.75" laminated MDF. I like this idea for a lot of reasons, both sonic and asthetic (I do like how the basket and magnet looks on the Brahma). However I'm not too excited about having a nice fat speaker cone right in plain veiw of the back window. Granted I have tinting and covering options.

    In this, my thinking out loud step, I'd like to go with an IB set-up. However I have picked up that it is not incredibly easy to do correctly. Why I am not sure.

    Anyways, thoughts, suggestions, and things I haven't thought of are appreciated. I'll post more pictures when I get the wiring done. Which is when I figure out what I'll use for the signal to the amp.

    Thanks everyone!
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The PAC OEM-1 is a nice unit... makes things a simple "plug and play", no cutting, unplug your stock HU, plug the OEM-1 cable into it, plug the other end of the OEM-1 into the wiring harness. done. B)
    The OEM-2 is very different... essentially, it's simply an LOC. Should be less expensive. I've never (no kidding) had any luck with LOC's... I've never used this one in particular, so no comments.

    Space is something that's obviously very important to you, in reading your post.
    Bear in mind, due to Hoffman's [inescapable] Iron Law, that when you use a subwoofer in a tiny enclosure, and expect high output, and good low frequency extension, that efficiency is thrown out the window, completely.
    With that in mind, the Brahma does work well in tiny enclosures. It'll also handle the ludicrous amounts of power it'll take to be loud in a tiny space.

    And also, free-air is generally more complex and difficult to implement correctly than any enclosure you could build. It's not as simple as building a baffle board.... there are SO many potential air-paths between the trunk and the cabin of a car. ;)
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Didn't click the link originally...
    I see it's a wagon.
    Scratch the possibility of "free air" (infinite baffle) completely. :p