ideas anyone??

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by MJE, Sep 3, 2002.

  1. MJE

    MJE Full Member

    it just dawned on me that since i "sold" my w7s to my brother...and have such and such money saved for subs...that i can spend anywhere up to 1500 bucks on subs...i still want atleast 3 of them...

    any ideas...looking for max SQ...might even try a brahma out, or some EVO-Rs...(if the new ones are out)

    how would a 13w7 stand up to a 12 inch brahma...(honest answers, im not looking to bash anything, just looking for solid answers that can be back with logic)
  2. SQ should be similar, but output from the 13 is more bc of more cone area, but then you might as well just look at a b-15 IMO.
  3. Slump_Da_Hustla

    Slump_Da_Hustla Full Member

    After hearing so much about the brahmas I couldn't help but try out a couple. I won't hear mine for awhile though :( You could also get a shytload of elementals.