I wanna design the cheapest and the simplest, yet sexy audio system in a car....

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by sadanand14, May 31, 2010.

  1. sadanand14

    sadanand14 New Member

    I wanna design the cheapest and the simplest, yet sexy audio system in a car....
    but without head unit.

    Since the age is of mobiles, ipods, mp3 players, bluetooth etc, i wanna learn from experience of the masters here as to how is this posible without buying/ spending on costly head units.

    All that a car needs for a good audio system is a good pair of speakers and an amplifier- any source of music with an RCA cable input to the amplifier ofcourse.

    I did had a look at the amplifiers in the market especially sony and poineer etc but didnt find specifically an amplifier with a connecting 'Aux in' port.

    Now whats the need to buy an head unit if i have a good working amplifier? Basically i need some expert advice as to are amplifiers available in the market with 'Aux in' port.

    Moreover i need a good amplifier with aux in and a cable to conect the amplifier to my transmitter unit ie: mobile/ mp3/ ipod.

    It sounds cheap, but is a wonderful idea to try. I request all members in this forum to kindly help me.
  2. dogla

    dogla Full Member

    Why not buy a cable with one end 3.5mm headphone plug and the other end stereo RCA connectors. Then you should be able to just connect that cable to your amp. The only thing I'm afraid of is the voltage that your mp3 player will put out (if it's going to be too much for the amp - which I don't think). So let's hear it from the experts.
  3. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I've heard of people doing it, but I like the idea of being able to control everything right there at the head unit and being able to scroll through songs there and use the EQ that is there. But ya the only way you will be able to connect the iPod or MP3 to the amps is to use the 3.5mm plug into RCA jacks.