I think this scammer is trying to send me a virus

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by JTz62, May 17, 2002.

  1. JTz62

    JTz62 Full Member

    I think this scammer who has been discovered on SD keeps trying to send me a virus. To see the whole thread, click here. I know that a virus is going around anyway, but this bastard keeps sending me e-mails with attachments, and a couple of other board members said that they also recieved e-mails from him and now their computer is infected. I can't say for sure if he did because I deleted them right away, but isn't there something that I can do about this? I mean won't his ISP have records of his e-mails and such? Isn't sending viruses over the net a crime? That bastard is lucky that I don't know how to send him one back!:fucku:
  2. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    I dont know about the virus, but im reading that long ass thread on termpro, thats some real fucked up shit
  3. luvdabass

    luvdabass Full Member

    A friend of mine knows how to MAKE viruses......You know that big one that was going around like 6-8 months ago???? He got it in his email.....then he started disecting it......disabled it......said what was wrong with it and the people that made it were kinda stupid because if they had really wanted it to F*CK stuff up they would have done this.. and this....and this......

    The kid is effin smart. :eek: