I think I broke my bp 1200.1 :(

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by xganjax, Oct 1, 2002.

  1. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    I posted this on CAF but i have more trust in you guys over here!!!

    ok, i had my bp 1200.1 mounted on the back of my seats, and yesterday i had the seats down and when i got out and closed them i heard a loud noise in my trunk. Apparently the 4 mounting screws came loose or something and the amp fell off on its top. I didn't have time to check it out so i just put the 4 screws in real quick and left.

    Well, today i started my car, i looked at my amp to see if it was ok, and it turned on and everything but i had the volume really low but i could tell my sub wasn't going. So i started to turn it up and the green light and the orange lights on top started to dim when the bass should of hit. And the amp was making a horrible scratching noise or something. I got out to go back and examine the amp, then the red light came on and then eventually turned off.

    As of right now, the amp wouldn't even turn on. The weird thing is that when i had it on for the 10-20 secs some parts of the amp were extreamly hot while other parts were not.

    I checked all the wiring, but everything is fine, and the amp is getting juice so i don't know what the problem is.

    The sucky part is that i bought it online at place that doesn't warranty them... but i guess its partly my fault, i did put the seat up pretty hard...

    Anybody know what i can do? I'm up at college and haven't seen one car audio shop yet so i can't take it there...

    Any help would be appreciated!!!


    Last edited by xganjax at Oct 1 2002, 03:16 PM
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Are the power or ground wires hot? I almost suspect a terminal came loose, and it is having a time getting itself to power up. A hot wire would indicate either a poor connection, or too small a wire. Those amps are well known for being tough little SOBs. I find it hard to believe it took a shit that easy. Not impossible, mind you, just not likely.
  3. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    well, i just disected my first amp :D

    at first glance i didn't see anything wrong so i proceeded to take the whole circuit board out... looks like one of the spacers is missing or something which might of caused the circuit board to touch the chasis, but i don't know yet... i'm about to put it finish up putting it back together and see what it does...

    wish me luck :(

    and btw the ground is fine, and all the connections are secure... i have 10awg speaker wire and 4awg ground and power wires so i don't think its the wiring...
  4. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    good luck... man

    sounds like you may have broken a solder joint or a terminal came loose like sandt said. Either way, your amp will be in my prayers tonight.
  5. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    .... i'm really pissed right now....

    the fucking amp keeps blowing my 80amp fuse from my battery... to add insult to injury, after i replaced the the damn fuse twice, i went to put the power and ground cables back, and when i was putting the power in, the ground was touching the side of the amp and the fucking amp started to smoke... but its weird how it didn't blow any of my fuses in the amp.... just started to smoke alot... and guess what.... it fucking blew my last fuse....

    what exactly is a terminal? when i was looking at the amp when i opened it up, i check almost everything and nothing was loose or anything...

    I guess i'll just have to look again... are the terminals the gold part on the inside where the power/ground/remote go???


    Last edited by xganjax at Oct 1 2002, 06:35 PM
  6. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    my amp still won't turn on :angry:

    i'm looking at the circuit board right now, but i see no loose/broken pieces...

    what exactly are the terminals you guys think it might be???

    this burnt smell comming from my amp is starting to piss me off too...

    i feel like hitting something... :ak47: :ak47:

    :angry: :angry: :angry:
  7. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    By terminal he just means where you hooked up your power, ground, remote, and speaker wires on the outside of the amp.
  8. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member

    ya, terminals = external input acceptors hehe

    the crack might be so small that you won't see it easily too. if it is broke lemme know and i can get you a phone number to contact a place called TIPS who do amplifier repairs. Seem to be well liked on term pro and for a good price :)
  9. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    the terminals look fine to me... they have a plastic casing around it that protects it and they are all securily connected to the circuit board on the inside...

    i just don't understand... its getting 12.5volts but not turning on... i've doubled check all the wiring, ground, etc.

    this thing is so solid i don't see how it broke... i don't see any loose or broken pieces... i don't hear any loose parts when i shake it either...

    when it was on for the short period of time it was making a wierd noise, then went into protection mode... what would cause the amp to make a noise?

    :angry: this had to happen right after i finally got my system set up the way i wanted it :angry:
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    That is NOT a good sign... I'd have to guess it is cooked.
  11. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    yea the smoking part was not cool :(

    when i was installing it in my car after i opened it up and after i blew all my fuses the ground touched the metal part of the amp while i was hooking up the power and *zap* smoke started comming out... but none of the external fuses on the amp blew...

    and i still don't know why the amp stopped working in the first place...

    how can i check if its cooked? can i test it with a dmm on the inside or something?

    looks like i'm gonna be bass less for a while since i don't have the money to repair or get a new one...

    if only i had one of these right now :ak47:
  12. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I dont think there is much you can with it now that smoke has been emited. Probably dead :(
  13. Griff

    Griff Guest

    Smoke is the worst sign you can get besides of course an explosion :p

    Sorry to hear mate, goodluck with the repairs, bassless is a sad position to be in :(
  14. xganjax

    xganjax Guest

    yea its offically dead... :tear: the good die young i guess

    oh well, time to save up for another replacement?

    any suggestions?

    I was thinking Revolution or RE35.1

    its about time i finally got a job... now i have motivation to work :)