I need a new tv, help

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Mar 6, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well I am looking for a new tv, mine just blew a tube (everything is RED lol)

    here is my selection from Best Buy, dont laugh, i am POOR, so i need to go VERY cheap (under 150)


    take a look, I am leaning towards the KHL, give me anyfeedback on these models

    I am also going to look for a used one when i cash my check on saturday, if I can not find a good used one I will buy a New one, from BB, or Walmart, I may check out the Closing Kmart too, may find a good deal there :D
  2. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    well I would say go with the KLH, its an inch bigger ( I know huge difference), S-video, 2 lines in, and it beats the others in price. Hopefully it wont blow though and if it does hopefully it will be before the 1-year warranty is up :D
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yea, I probally will if i can not find a good used one

    there was a 27in in the paper for $60, RCA
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Mike, I'm a video buff as well, and have owned several TVs over the years. The best of that list is definately the Phillips. Magnavox TVs were some of the best looking, most reliable, most feature rich TVs I have owned. Phillips is Magnavox, if you didn't know. The picture quality is great on these too. I might also suggest looking into some Toshibas. CC has them as well as Sears. They are top notch TVs at unbelieveable prices ;) . I might also suggest RCA. I have owned quite a few of them, and never had any issue. While I have heard it said that they suck, they have always provided me with great service, and I have to discount what others say about them. Heck, when I bought my new TV I put my trusty old 34" RCA in the bedroom ;) .

    Seriously though, Phillips is the best by far on that list, and look into Toshiba.
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well the only one sears has in my price rabnge is a magnavox 19in for $130

    That is really pushing my budget once you add in 6% sales tax

    Hell in truth I can not afford anything, I nromally pay $100 extra a month on my car just to get ti paid off sooner so I have to take that money to buy a damn TVm, sucks being poor
  6. superman

    superman Guest

    Mike, I would go into Circuit City, find a TV that you like that is slightly above your price range, then ask if they can find an open box in the computer at any other stores and then go pick up if it's within driving distance. This will give you the same warrenty and guarantees, but a lower price. Just a thought, I know how it is being in a money pinch! Good luck.
  7. PerryB

    PerryB Guest


    Have you checked the prices at www.walmart.com. They have some good deals.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    been there

    Sears and BB have better qualtiy TV's for the same price as walmarts off name's

    thanks though
  9. PerryB

    PerryB Guest


    Cool, i just thought I would mention wallyworld since they are everywhere, and you could atleast check them out(which you did). I really want a flat screen tv.
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    Cool, i just thought I would mention wallyworld since they are everywhere, and you could atleast check them out(which you did). I really want a flat screen tv.[/b][/quote]
    well I really want a 50in plasma. :D :lol:
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    When I went looking for my TV I was all ready to get a plasma. I'm sorry, but aside from the wow factor, I wouldn't own one. The picture looks liquid, the setup fees are astronomical, they have to be recharged every few years (at costs from $400-700!!!), and they don't recreate black. They have a long ways to go before I consider getting one. Of course, 4 years ago I said the same thing about RPTVs, and they have come a long way.And have you looked at those LCD TVs? Good lord. If you aren't looking at it straight on, you see almost nothing. Like the older RPTVs used to be. I got this:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I like the Phillips (the second on the list) and the Toshiba (third on the list) These are from an anal picture quality guy.

    If you use any S-video, they tend to generate noise, and create what is known as ghosting. The Toshiba offers a noise reducer that can virtualy eliminate ghosting, offering a more crisp image. It will also offer a huge amount of settings for the best picture possible. And, it is reliable. Unfortunately, I don't like the silver case. While it seems like no big deal, it will create a slight amount of confusion while watching the TV.

    The Phillips is feature rich. Offering color temperature on that small a TV is unusual, but a handy feature. It is loaded with inputs and adjstments, and like I said... I like Phillips/Magnavox. Unfortunately, it too is silver.

    I wouldn't count out the Magnavox at the head of the list. Being as the case is better for viewing (yay, a Mfg without a silver case!!!) I would almost say that takes it to the head of the class. The price is great as well. If money is really tight Mike, I say the Magnavox is the deal, if you can come up with the extra $50, The Toshiba and Phillips will be worth the extra money.

    Also, I might mention, I found CC has better prices on TVs than Worst Buy. Just my $.02
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I wnet to cc before BB (the web sites) and did not really see anything

    I plan on going to all of them after work today and see what I can haggle with the sales man :p

    but seth

    Let me tell you about my veiwing habits

    I watch the news in the morning, I go to work, I watch the news in the evening, I wath a few sitcoms (mostly reruins of seinfeild, freinds, Home Imporvment, and MASH) then I go to bed

    very rarly do I I watch a Movie. hell just last week did I wathc the movie training day for the first time, and that has been out forever

    I lead a very boring life, and most of it is spent online working on my sites or chating with you freaks, so when I go buy a new monitor I will be very ANAL, but for a TV, I could almost care less about pic, quality, I just want somehting that will not burn out on me in a year
  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    nice TV bTW, I hope I can afford some kind of Big Screen some day

    I dont need one, but I like the WOW factor :D
  14. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I have yet to see training day ;) .

    If you aren't really anal about it, the Maggie will do you great. Like I said, the case alone makes it very attractive when compared to the others on your list.
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yea, I probally go with that one

    the one it is replacing is a very old sounddesign that y grandma gave my dad, who thn gave it to me when he was done with it, lol

    it is atleast 10 years old..........

    my grandma lost the remote so it always had a "ch 03" in the corner(used the VCR to change channels) I finally got that to go off, (it was one there so ling that the 03 image is burned in to the glass lol) now the tube wants to go out........
  16. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    With TV's 20" and under, the difference in pic. quality is pretty negligible. Same with the SQ. Go with a brand that has a recognizable name, ie. Pan, Phillips/Mag, RCA, Toshiba, Sony, etc. Walmart, CC, and BB have a lot of cheap unknown brands like Sansui whose 20" TV's cost like $10 :rolleyes: If the brand name is recognizable, get the TV that is cheapest. Like the mighty Seth, I'm a video geek with pretty anal pic. quality standards. The TV's on your short list are not all that bad, though.
  17. MJE

    MJE Full Member

    id say go for the samsung...i work there, and those klh products are CRAP...

    great it has an s-video input...its a 20 inch tv wont make a noticeable difference...especially when the tv doesnt look as good as the samsung anyways..

    if you are going to buy the crappy one...but a PSP.
  18. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Boy, I am learnig how crappy S-video is on a big screen. The noise they generate just makes for a crap ass picture. It creates the liquid appearance I so disliked in the plasmas. I have the RCAs now, but the picture quality isn't as good. Thankfully my DVD has component outs and the TV is startlingly beautiful and pure through them. I guess I need to update my reciever for typical TV viewing, but for now it will have to do. I noticed a mad differance from RCAs to S-video on my 34 incher, but I have spent almost $100 on differant higher end S-video cables to no avail, they are getting slightly better, but not really great :(

    Mike, what TV did you get?
  19. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    it is the funniest thing

    I left if off for like 2 days and it went back to normal

    I am still buying a new one

    but I am going to save up, and buy a good 27in I think

    thanks for all the help

    I will probally go with a 27 Mangavox when I buy one

    I figure if I am going to buy one, I might as well go BIGGER,

    after all we all know

    "bigger is better" :D