I love the fourth of July...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Jul 4, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Wow, what a great evening...

    We took a trip last week to Myrtle Beach. It is always fun, lots of things to do, tons of girls in tiny bikinis, lots of clubs and wet T-shirt contests... and explosives .

    I love explosives. They are so much fun!!!! Well, I bought a ton of them. I mean I stocked up!!!

    When we got back from the beach I installed my new pool.

    Well it is what, 5 days old and we decide to have the neighbors over for a little show. Many beers and several rockets and risky explosive throwings later (I love to hold it to the last second and throw it in the air.... I know, smooth asshole and you are how old?) and we decide to do some simple fire-crackers...

    Well wouldn't you know. I lit a whole pack and held it in my hand to throw at the last second... Well, I guess I got a few fuses lit rather than just the main and they went off in my hand . Well, they are just fire-crackers. but they still shock the hell out of you when they go off (and yes, they do hurt too ). I shook my hand as they were going off and the pool went.... WWHHHHOOOOOSSSHHHHH!!!!

    I lost a few of them in the pool's direction and got the pool (I need a crying smiley). My fingers are pretty well buised but didn't burn too bad, so no real biggie.

    Well, I only lost about 500 gallons or so and managed to patch it up, but boy, what a night!!! All in all it wasn't that big of a deal, but it still was a bit more... exciting then I would have wanted it...

    Why put this on here? Alcohol, stupidity, and fireworks don't mix. I hope you all have/had a fun safe 4th of July... Go Marines!!!
  2. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Genius, pure genius :).
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Yep!!! my mother is so proud!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Man, I'll tell ya... My fingers are sore this morning.
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    My 4th was good........being that the 3d was my b-day!

    While driving around at about 12 I saw some fireworks going off on a side street. We decide to pull in to see who is doing it and join the fun. It turns out that some 10 year old kids and their soccer moms and dads were shooting bottle rockets and such at a dead end. They attempted to block off the street by putting cones but I clamly went around them. When I approached the circular dead end I saw the whole grouhnd littered with bottles and illegal fireworks. I felt shocked that such outstanding citizens would break the law for a cheap thrill (sandt...lol). Instead of calling the cops I decided to just keep driving to investigate the situation even further. I started weaving in and out of all the bottles and fireworks and stopped in the middle of the street looking around and eating a "Rita's" ice cream. We just sat there for about 20 seconds looking around and checking out the scene. All the parents were horrifed and one mom walked up to me and asked me how much I had to drink. I told her "not enough" and peeled outta there making as much noise as possible and almost htting the cones on the way out. As far as Im concerned, the mystery of the july 4th crackers has been solved and put to rest.

    There are a million other things that I did that night but I just dont have the patience to write it all out.

    P.S. I have to go to my own party now.....lol
  5. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    they were using bottles for bottle rockets lol amatures

    I remember having Bottle Rockets fights when i was younger, I think I still have a shirt around here with burn holes in it from one a few years back lol

    if you dont light fire works off in your hand, your not a man :D

    ohh and seth, good thing you did not have your fist closed around it, or your name would not be "stubby" (unless it is all ready :eek: if you know what I mean) :p
  6. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Always nice when a good buddy tells you he has drinks and a new pool at his place and invites you over....... <_<

    Seth, you suck!
  7. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    Hehe. A little boy stuck in a grown man's body :D As I stated over on this thread at CAF, fireworks are pretty much illegal in SoCal. Watch the news this time of year and you'll see half the state on fire. You have to go to one of the "shows" at the Colliseum, a local JC, high school, Dodger/Angels/Padres game, or do them illegally. I basically sat at my house with some friends and family, drand excessively, and watched the shows from my balcony (We used to go on the roof, but as common sense tells you, roofs and alcohol are a disaster waiting to happen.)

    Anyways, glad your 4th was pleasant and mostly safe.

    Oh, btw, my grandpa always tells me these stories about him as a kid. You know, cats, their butts, and firecrackers...any of y'all do that :blink:
  8. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    wow...I havent been here in a while, so I missed this thread. I LOVE 4th of july as well. We had a collective $2,450 worth of fireworks at my house this year!! We blew them off to 176 people in my back yard! We even wired up a finale with model rocket fuses, a switchboard, speaker wire, and an optima battery!!. Here are some pics:

  9. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    has anyone noticed it's always the drunk white guy......ALWAYS...

    you never hear about a black guy or hispanic or middle eastern doing shit like that...it's always us whiteys.....hahahha