I am Mad

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Mar 10, 2003.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I stumbled on this over at PRweb

    I wnet to the I petitions web site,

    and I feel this people like Michael Wright can no longer be Ignored, as I have done in the past

    Many of the Manufactuers, Delaers, and REPS, have taken the same postions as me

    "it will just go away"

    Well it si not goinging away, and it is time to fit fire with fire

    Be warned, that I am not Totlarting any Childish High School Comments, this is a Trule Professions Educations Campain I am unbarking on,

    Starting today all Sites work i have planeed is Paused, and I will Be Bring "www.noiseaccpetance.com" how iof the Forgotten domain and Bring it to the forground

    i will be also Regesarting 2-3 new domain names for the cause

    This will all Occur at 5-6 PM today when i get off of work, (I am typeing this from work now)

    But for now I have set up my own Ipetitoon web site

    i will expand my thinking on the subject later

    please do not link this on any other forums until I have a Change to Eidt the Text in full;

    and if your one of the enemy (ones that get in to car audio just to be herd far far away ) please dont particapte, you wll only make matter worse

    and rethink how you act, childern

    This will not only be to educate those that dont understand use, and the comptitions, but to educate the USERS of the car audio products

    We must do this now, before it is too late

    any business owner wishing to sponsor (no money is needed at this time) please shoot me a email

    this program is Code names


    Citizens Against Audio Regulations

  2. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    im not being ignorant...but this sounds like it was written by a bunch of geeks and or people who have absolutely no respect for music at all...it is my understanding that most states they do have a noise ordinance law that goes into affect roughly between 9-10 pm and it lasts until 7-8 am...i mean atleast thats the way things are around here..i think ive got one of the loudest systems in my neighborhood...considering these people dont know shit about stereos...but thats beside the point...whether or not this noise ordinance law is in affect or not...around here i mean people are pretty respectful...and i will admit there are times when i just wanna drive around the neighborhood with the stereo cranked...but it lasts...10 minutes at the most and i go all around the neighborhood...and its not like you know im trying to get noticed...shit if i wanted to do that...id really crank it...and it wouldnt be to disturbed or godsmack...and to be honest...yes i do show off at times...only at a redlight if some fake fucker thinks he the shit...or if im in a parking lot...and ill crank up...'die motherfucker die' from dope...and thats when im putting groceries in my car etc. I mean...it almost seems as if theyre trying to take away our first ammendment right of...freedom of speech...in a round about way...but again...if motherfuckers want me to show off....shit ill show off...but i dont...and people know sometimes i come through slamming...and they have came up to me conversating...and jokinly be like...your gonna go deaf...turn it down a little...or...turn it down a little bit because its a little loud...its not like people banging on my door screaming down my throat and shit...i really think these stupid fucks need to worry about the problems at hand...like the war and the fucked up government...rather then these kids...or 'thugs' (if you will) with loud car stereos...which that right there proves theyre ignorant and stupid because theyre throwing out stereo-types already...


    hey mike if theres anything i can do...let me know...i think i can record again on my laptop...so maybe im gonna do a song or something...

    *sigh* just ventin...

  3. squatchie

    squatchie Full Member

    My name is Todd, and i have ASDD. Damn proud of it too. I roll with my system too, before 9pm around any houses. Its simply called common courtesy, a 'system' is not the problem, its an idiot parked out in front of your house at 3am thumpin 156dB for 30 minutes.

    I would be more than happy to support Mike on this, indidviduals should take responsibilty, not this 'Bid companies are evil crap'.

  4. prophesized

    prophesized Guest

    you lose that right when what you are doing infringes on someone elses rights which in some peoples cases could be the right to sit in their house undisturbed.
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I think that there is a very important take-away here though...

    If there weren't as many inconsiderate people... the ones who DO drive through residential areas at 145+dB... the ones who DO boom around without regard for their surroundings, without consideration for others...

    If there were more considerate auto-audiophiles...
    Then this sort of anti-car-audio movement wouldn't ever have been founded. ;)

    I think it's important to not just try to do your part to counter the efforts of these type of people (it is)...
    But also is important to try to set an example, if nothing else be one less opportunity for someone to complain. B)

    I look at it this way:
    The only people who will be impressed by an obnoxiously loud car is the owner of the car, and people who are being shown the car.
    I am an audiophile, an avid car audio enthusiast, and I still can't help but think that cars driving by like that are just punks...
    The only people who will think that is cool are people that you are showing the system off to.. not people you are driving past. Period. Always.
    Think!!! :ph34r:
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Its infringing on the same rights as not being able to smoke in publis..........

    Quite frankly, they presented us with nothing but extreme cases and no proof for the most part......

    It really does sound like a bunch of know-nothings speaking outta their ass

    I especially like the one testament from a student who cant study at the library.......that one is gonna be devastating

    I can seew why you are concerned Mike but this specific thread is nothing to be franctic over.....however, if nothing is doing on our part, these ignoramisus(sp) will never have a thorough understanding of Car Audio
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    that is the problem

    it is was JUST this one isolated case, it would not bother me at all

    but it is not JUST THIS ONE
  8. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    when you are ready for me to be your editor let me know....you rush a lil too much michael... :lol: the petition text needs to be cleaned up quite a bit or no one will take us seriously.... holla
  9. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    As most of you know I am pretty heavily into car audio. I do agree that there does need to be soemthing done about the poeple who drive around the neighborhoods late at night playing their stereo. As said before be respectful and just turn it down while your in the neighborhood. BUT it is not generally as bad as many make it out to be. You hear it for a brief moment then it goes away (in most cases). But there are those times when it aggervates the shit out of me when people that go through the neighborhood that dont even live here and blast there stereo no matter what time of day it is. Now I do NOT have a problem with someone who lives in the neighborhood and is in their driveway playing their stereo and working on it or even some of their friends doing it. I mean seriously it doesnt bother me, but I have had cases where people go down the street and ask politely for us to turn it down, which I have no problem with. It just the poepl that come down there and are like if you dont turn that 'shit' down I will call the police. I just wanna be like oh yea my friend right here....HES A COP (which he is, and he too has a stereo).

    OK thats kinda my first part....

    But there is another problem that I have that annoys me even more than loud stereos in the neighborhood. There is a kid that lives a few houses down from mehe is a ricer 'want to be' but his friend with an old old BMW had about a 10 inch spoiler on it and a loud ass fart can. I hear that at 2 and 3 in the morning now and its so loud it does wake me up some times. Well all this could be solved if he kept low RPMs though the neighborhood at late hours...BUT oh no he doesnt. He flies through the neighborhood (which speeing in the neighborhood really pisses me off to). So with this being said and with all the people want to ban loud stereos because some ignorant asshole want to play it lat in the neighborhood. I say if they are going to do that, just to be fair and 'equal' and non discrimatory they should ban all fart cans, harleys, all crotch rockets, and basically anything that makes noise...oh dont forget the trains and airplanes too :blink:

    Back to the whole stereo thing. Im not much of a fan of the 'boom boom' stereo so to speak, its just not my thing. But I dont think harder laws in general are the answer...I just think people need to be educated, and maybe get a taste of their own medicine so to speak. If people would just turn them down through residental areas then a lot of the problem would just go away but its the ignorant teenages (and yes I am a teen too) that cause this problem for the rest of us.

    Its kinda like I do agree that there perhaps need to be more laws in place, BUT if your one of the people who use their stereo is a respectful way they wouldnt really affect you. It just I dont think restrictions or anything like that need to be placed on thing you purchase, or trying to ban the whoel 'loud stereo' will help either.

    Man its kinda late and I forgot where I was going with this so oh well Ill leave it at that. ;) :D :p
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

  11. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    The "fart-cans" produce most noise at low RPM's and tend to fade towards high RPMS. I know this because I, being a civic owner, have one of those on my car. It is silenced now but when I had it on full blast :D that was the trend with the noise. I silenced it after a week b/c it was just too damn annoying and I couldnt hear the music.....lol

    Everything else you said was good....hehe
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    you ricer
  13. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Man not the one this guy uses...as soon as he revs the engine or hits high RPMs it gets obnoxiously loud. I can tell he is speeding just by the sound of the can and his shift points....also the squeel of his front tries ( assuming the BMW is front wheel drive) :p

    Its just anoying :angry: and he deserves to be SHOT (sveral times) :D
  14. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Not to switch topics or anything but I beat my friends V6 89' Taurus Station Wagon last night when we were racing! Im so happy.....lol

    It was his idea and not mine......for the record.......hehe

    Civic POWAAAAAAAAAAAA! :lol:

    I personally enjoy listening to the thumping sounds when cars pass by my window but I guess thats just me. I guarantee you that these people who balme all their probelms on car audio are only using it as a scape goat. Those same people live next to train tracks, on busy roads and so on.

    The thumping is gone within 5 seconds and just like people learn to ignore the sounds of the train which takes a few minutes to pass they can also learn to ignore the sound of 5 seconds of bass. But seriously incase you never noticed, when you are accustomed to a certain type of stimulus you often tend to tune it out.
  15. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    you ricer[/b][/quote]
    I know I can......be what I wanna be.......If I try hard enough......Id be where I wanna be.

  16. NaStYsTaNg05

    NaStYsTaNg05 Full Member

    that article is definatly messed up!!!!!!! of course alot of people dont have comon courtisy at night to turn down the stereo. but please if some one dies by not geting to the hospital quick enough because someone didnt pull over. lets face it 90% of the elderly people would be a problem also....... most drive realy slow and never hear anything. tho thier are some that try to pick up time lost by walking by driving just as crazy as i do sometimes.LOL lets face it dont nit pick at something. whats next someone gets second hand smoke cancer and now its ilegal and monitored of who/how much/when you smoke outside? whats next????????? i love bass always have. but i have the comon sense at night to turn it down when people are trying to sleep. and daytime doezes dont count as sleep. lets face it your to lazy if your sleeping during the day and night also.LOL
    i think the person that wrote that article is definatly a geek/ no life in school/ got picked on by kids that had stereos/ and well might have got thrown in the trunk acouple times. just because you dont like something doesnt mean to make it illegal or even monitored. heck even alot of small equipment adds up to alot of bass. what they gonna pull you over and count what components you have in your trunk?LOL well i could go on for hours on this subject but lets all face it. anyone that like music has gone thru this bass stage. heck even my 56year old dad likes bass. not as much as i do but still hes got the bass knob all the way up in his 2001 suburban. and his 68impala SS with hydros. and he is WHITE.LOL i laugh at it myself. now im not being racist please dont take it like that. im also white but more often you see kids with stereos and hydrolics. its just funny to see him hit the switches. but hey i guess you work all your life when you retire you have fun again as long as you can.