I Am A Lucky Dude.

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by sandt38, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    There are very few times in life when I think that. I am sure there are a million times where if I really sat back and thought about it, I would not believe I am forgetting how lucky I am, but every once in a while it just kicks you in the head... "I am a lucky dude."

    I was fortunate to have Chris (BlkX [Alpine, Tru, JL 10W7, Seas Lotus referance, Rainbow Pro Tweets]), and Cort (Flawlesskid [Alpine, PG, JL 10W7, Vifa PL, and a Quartz comp set]) stopped by the shop today (at differant times) and we BSed for a while. I haven't heard Cort's system since he did the kicks and 3 way set, and I haven't heard Chris' install in a LONG time (Chris added the Seas Lotus set just 3 days ago). Chris hasn't sat in my car since the day I first recieved the Koda set.

    I got to sit back and listen to Cort's and Chris' installs and got to show mine off a bit for Chris as well.

    It hit me when I was coming home from work just 2 hours after Chris left, how lucky I am. I got to sit in 3 cars with totally amazing systems, both the gear and the install work, mostly off brand gear (aside from the JL fags I mean... LOL JK guys ;) ), with 3 totally differant sounds and 3 totally differant goals. All three of these systems made me walk away saying... "Wow!!!"

    I thought about the money, time, and learning we have all done/spent in our systems and was blown away. None of us cares what a judge may say when they sit in our cars, we don't care what some meter will tell us, we do it for ourselves. We sit back and listen to each others praises and suggestions for improvement, and we walk away not thinking much about it.

    I am fortunate to have that around me. I am glad I have 2 friends so totally absorbed in this hobby as I am. I am glad we are all trying new things and are learning from each other, and having a chance to really listen to some off the wall gear. We may dicker on here quite a bit, but I think I speak for all of us when I say, I enjoy those guys.

    Thanks guys for coming by the shop today. I thoroughly enjoyed auditioning you systems again... for the first time B)
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I feel like I should move down there now! :D

    I'm not as lucky.. no one near me. :(
    Not to mention my car is broken and now off the road for the winter...

    At least I ran my dual runs of 1/0 through the pathfinder, in anticipation of an install! :D
  3. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I'm the same way. I live in such a small area I don't get many competitions, or forum members around me. This means no ability to listen to cool systems/equipment. :(

    What's wrong with the car?

    AND WHY WOULD YOU NEED TWO RUNS OF 1/0 AWG WIRE? :blink: If you want output, use the cyclone. B)

    And Seth, I'm jealous.

    But I am happy. My CD player broke a while ago, and I finally got my new head unit yesterday. I put it in today, and realized I forgot how much midbass the Koda's have. It is sooooooo incredible how much it has.

    Oh, and the head unit is an old school Sony CDXC-910. B)
  4. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    I never thought that I'd see Seth say that he enjoyed someone else's system :p

    Geez, now if only I hadn't moved out of the (somewhat) area....
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Then you don't read what I say Trifle. I believe you can ask anybody on here and they will tell you I compliment others systems all the time :rolleyes: .

    Chris, Cort, and I all get going pretty hard on each other here, but when i speak to people (and them) about their installs I always praise them. Sometimes I may sound overly critical, but that is just me tossing out a hint. Sometimes (actually oftentimes) I word things more harshly than I mean to... I tend to lack tact ;) . But it is all good, when we get together we are always respectful, and friendly to each other.

    Oh, Steven, we live in a small town too ;).
  6. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    Actually I do read, which is why I am surprised :D ...anyways, i was just kidding...
  7. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Well Geo at least you got me beat on the install. I have the dual 0 awg ran, but it hasn't made it throguth the firewall yet. :(



    I got to hear an 8w7 today. It was the first time I got to hear a long throw 8 and I must say I was very very impressed with the output. I would have never imagined one could get that much output for an 8! I didnt listen much to the quality, I only had a brief moment to check it out, but I was very impressed from what I heard as far as output, and I believe my brother in law (Dr Remulac) was too.
  8. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    That's an Xterra, right?
    Those seem to be a bit more old-school (body on frame) than the more princess-ly unibody current gen pathfinder...
    So maybe it's more like my previous-gen pathfinder...

    I had a gasket on the passenger side where my main wiring harness went through...
    It was rougly 20x the size that was necessary for the main wiring harness...
    I kid you not, I could have fit eight or ten ADDITIONAL runs of 1/0 gauge through that gasket. :p

    And you still have me beat, I didn't pull out the interior or do any damping yet... despite my 100ft roll of Second Skin DampX...
    Figure I'd wait until it was warm again for that. (yeah... yeah... that's it! :lol: )
  9. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Its an F-150 ext cab.
  10. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Very glad to hear you liked the setup seth. Thanks alot for the kind words. I think i'm gonna cry. :blush: I never thought i'd be able to impress you with mb quarts and JL.. B) Hopefully i'll be able to do a lil better with the Vifa MG's that'll replace the quarts in the kicks. Really looking forward to getting them. You'd never know it, but my right side quart midrange has a nice crack in the cone thanks to stefon. I fixed it with epoxy, and they're doing fine for now.

    I only wish i was able to hear those seas chris got in that X.
  11. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Yes, thanks for the compliments Seth. I really do believe that if we were able to sit in one another's car with processing equipment we were familiar with (you can keep that Pioneer :p) we'd be able to tune the car to our liking.

    Your setup sounded pretty damn good as well, even though it's not quite my cup of tea. Everything was very neutral and didn't tend to overshadow anything else. The brahma is still pretty damn loud.

    Courtney, Stefon said he was comin up here to ski in a few weeks....you oughta join him if you can stand the cold :lol:
  12. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Yes, thanks for the compliments Seth. I really do believe that if we were able to sit in one another's car with processing equipment we were familiar with (you can keep that Pioneer :p) we'd be able to tune the car to our liking.

    Your setup sounded pretty damn good as well, even though it's not quite my cup of tea. Everything was very neutral and didn't tend to overshadow anything else. The brahma is still pretty damn loud.

    Courtney, Stefon said he was comin up here to ski in a few weeks....you oughta join him if you can stand the cold :lol: [/b][/quote]
    Yea, thats the biggest thing to be said of seth's setup. VERY neutral. Smooth across the board.

    heh, chris i think i can handle the cold. Only problem i'd have is getting off work.
  13. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    chris(snausage) i think chris(geo) has you beat
    hes got dual 1/0
    but its IXOS flat stuff, very very expensive, and very very cool