Humming noise?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by screamingdemon, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. screamingdemon

    screamingdemon Full Member

    Ok, well I found some good deals while I was out in Houston TX visiting with some of my family. I ended up with a Kenwood Headunit, Boston Acoustic 5 1/4 door speakers(100watts), Kenwood 6 1/2 rear panel speakers(240watts), Kenwood 2 channel amp(1700watts), Kenwood 4 channel amp(720watts), Nitro capacitor, and a Kicker Solobaric L5 12" subwoofer(1200watt) in a sealed box. So its about the 3rd or 4th day since I got it all installed. I've been taking it easy on the speakers until they've broken in. But today I went to leave Houston coming back home and I noticed this really annoying humming noise coming from all 4 interior speakers (the sub doesn't seem to be making it). It wasn't doing this when I got it installed, so I can't figure out what is causing this. I originally thought it might be the ground wire, I just don't know where its at since I didn't install it. (my dad paid for it and wanted it done right) It might be the gain...but like I said...I'm lost. Would you guys please help me out as soon as possible. Thanx..
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  2. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    its possible that a ground wire came loose, you need to follow it back from your amp and make sure its tight, make sure the ground area is clean and free of paint. The other thing is they possibly ran your rca cables right along your power wire. They need to be on the oppisite sides of the car. Check those things and let us know whats up.
  3. Hautewheeler

    Hautewheeler Full Member

    try checking your ground straps too..

    from battery to chassis, and from engine to chassis.. this is sometimes caused by alternator whine.. does the noise fluctuate with the engine's rpm's?
  4. screamingdemon

    screamingdemon Full Member

    Well it was a steady hum, but then today I was taking off from a stop light and I noticed a weird whining sound. So I turned the volume to 0 and gave it some gas. Sorta reminded me of a supercharger whine. lol...I'll get those things checkin a lil while. I'm kinda busy for a few hours helping a friend.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2006
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    who did the install?was it a local shop or a coporate store like circut city or best buy.if it was a chain store maybe you can go to one by you and they should honor the warrenty from the other store.
  6. screamingdemon

    screamingdemon Full Member

    Circuit City did the amps, back panel speakers, and the sub. Bestbuy did the front speakers. Here is a lil info on why I don't want to go to a Circuit City around here. Well out in Houston when they installed the amps they said that I need 2 more rca's for my amp (I had bought 2 amp wiring kits already). Well I told him add it to the bill and I'll pay when I got there. A few hours pass and we go up there to pick it up. Well they readjusted the bill because they couldn't install the door speakers (I had been told the wrong sizes on the interior speakers). Well I asked the installer what about the extra cords. He said "Ahh man don't worry about it, it was only a couple extra feet." I thought "Ehh ok, oh well." Well then I came back 2 days later with the door speakers to have them installed, well they basicly jumped down my throat about how I didn't pay for the extra rca's. Some other guy was like, I'll call the manager back here and you can sort all this out. Me and my bro-in-law said "f*ck this" and walked out and went to Bestbuy to get the door speakers installed. So basicly I don't want to go to Circuit City and get flagged as not have paid for the rca's. Though I guess I'll have to go to one of them. The ground cable seemed fine and the cords were ran the right way. So I don't got a clue why its doing all this.

    Sorry for the rant, but the info was needed to fully understand my situation.