How'd I get here???

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by thumperfbc, Sep 20, 2002.

  1. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    Hey guys... Thumperfbc from CAF over here now as well... just warning ya'll in case you want to run and hide... :blink:
  2. edesignSPL

    edesignSPL Full Member too huh?
  3. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    sup... I must say.... the smileys over here are much better....

    :ak47: CAF

  4. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Welcome to the board! and yes the smilies over here DO rock! :clap: :dance: :headbang:
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    The smiles ain't shit... Look at the picture posts :jawdrop: . Welcome aboard thumper. Geo may be interested in chatting with you. Thumper has the JBL W12GTi sub, quite a rare find on the boards. I certainly hope you join us more often.

  6. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    If I remember right the JBL GTI's are some pretty mean looking subs. I have wanted to see one but no one around here has them.
  7. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    Yea.. its a darn nice sub... I got it in a 1.8 cubes sealed box right now in a recording studio until my car is ready for it. Had it in a friends cavalier for a day off of a Zapco AG750... did 143 and some change (outlaw)...

    some pics here:

    why would Geo want to talk with me? He have a GTi? :flag: <--- very cool
  8. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    Hey Sandt.... You're a moderator.... can you do anything about my Newbie rating? I aint no stinking newbie...
    <----------- See!!! Look at that... Disgraceful.
  9. kbog

    kbog Full Member

    Welcome to the forum.
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Sorry, I went in and tried but I am not allowed. Get mike to do it for you. I can change alot, just not that.
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    No, but the technology has fascinated him.
  12. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Post more and you will be home free.....I think you have to get to 100 before it lets you change it :unsure:
  13. thumperfbc

    thumperfbc Full Member

    Sorry, I went in and tried but I am not allowed. Get mike to do it for you. I can change alot, just not that.[/b][/quote]
    and you call yourself a moderator.... HARUMPH!

    Thanks anyways, not really a big deal.

    :ak47: Sandt

    kidding, of course. :D