how was everyone's 4/20?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by zabooza, Apr 23, 2002.

  1. zabooza

    zabooza Full Member

    I know it's pretty stupid how potheads think of 4/20 as a holiday and all, but how was everyone's 4/20 anyways? I was camping. Drinking and smoking all weekend!
  2. bigbumpin16

    bigbumpin16 Full Member

    yea lets smoke pot cuz its a certain fuckin lame is that

    but anyways it was an allright weekend, chilled wit my friends and had a huge baseball game!
  3. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    :smoker: :thumb:
  4. streetrace_r

    streetrace_r Full Member

    someone said that 4/20 was for a whole bunch of preps smoking weed for the first time
  5. sismit

    sismit Full Member

    fuckin weird as hell....Most of my 4.20 was spent in the early morning banging some chick in the parking lot at Wal-Mart. It opened while we were parked there...we got some odd looks when we finally wiped off the windows....
    slept from 8 to 2, then went to visit a friend in the hospital....he got thrown out of his car in an accident, flew 30 feet, landed on his head. His neck's broken in 6 places, but he's luckily not paralyzed...
    Then I got into a huge fistfight w/ my pops in my driveway in the middle of the night and left his house...
    went and got half a handle of SoCo....
    went to my mom's house, finished the SoCo, and poured myself into bed...

    Kindof a shitty day, except for the sex...

  6. Lowlivin2002

    Lowlivin2002 Full Member

    Most of my friends do coke not weed so it was just another day. I don't do anything myself so, it was just the same ole' day!!
  7. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Sounds like an episode of springer if i've ever heard one :D

    Minus a jelous ex or a transvestite SURE you got a good look at ALL of her genetalia?? :D
  8. jlylereeves

    jlylereeves Full Member

  9. sismit

    sismit Full Member

    ummmm I'm pretty sure I covered all the territory, yes....

    My friend in the hospital has gone insane. It's one of the worst things I've ever seen...he is truly out of his mind. He has no idea where he is, who he's with, who he is - and that's when he's in the present...most of the time he's reliving his accident.
  10. AbRaKaDaVa

    AbRaKaDaVa Full Member

    Sounds like every day of my life...

    *Gets a toothpick and works out some human fleash lodged in between his teeth*

    Man, I really ought to start cooking those motherfuckers...kinda raw when they're alive...