Honda civic Car stereo help

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by dodo612, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. dodo612

    dodo612 Member

    Hi I'm looking to upgrade my car sound system, and i could use your help and advice in what to buy. the current status is:
    1) head unit: Pioneer Premier DEH-P500UB

    2)rear speakers: JBL GTO 938

    3)frond door speakers JBL GT5-502

    I have an old amp running at the moment, but i'm looking to buy a sub-woofer (12' maybe) and a new amp to handle it all.

    any recommendations ?
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    welcome to CAT dodo! Of primary importance here is your budget. Also how much room you wanna take up for the box, and also are ya looking for a loud pounding bass, or just a nice something to fill in the lower notes?

    another thing is this, depending on your existing amp, It may very well be able to run your sub and 4 speakers.
  3. dodo612

    dodo612 Member

    Thanks for the reply Viking :)

    well, the budget is not that big of an issue, but i don't want to spend too much... i don't know how the prices translate to where i live, but we'll give it a try and see how it works :)

    and i want a loud pounding bass, that is the reason i'm doing this upgrade.

    regarding the existing amp, it is too weak, 2 channels, it is very old, it's about time to get replaced.
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i have a 22 year old 2ch 50x2 running 6 speakers and it keeps up just fine with my sub amp. 900 watts, one 12 RE sx.

    what amp are you running? maybe you can use it on your tweeters or rear fill?
  5. dodo612

    dodo612 Member

    Wow that is impressive pedro :)

    it's not an option for me though, since i'm giving that amp to my brother to use in his car.
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    you might think about a single chassis 5 channel amp running the entire system. I wouldnt get TOO carried away with amps as the honda electrical sytems are not huge by any means! LOL! A single chassis 5 channel amp will have the electronic x-over, allow for front to rear fade, and power your sub. This is just one of many options but is the easiest and least labor intensive. As for a sub, a single 12 can do great things in the right box.
  7. dodo612

    dodo612 Member

    well, that is the setup i had in mind (sort of), what i was asking for is specific model or category (specs) for the things i have to buy, that is best suited for the parts i already have

    any recommendations?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  8. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Well, there is a plethora of amps and subs on the market. Heres an idea for an amp.

    This amp would power the entire system. And blend in quite well with your existing system.

    As for a subwoofer perhaps this ( i like it due to higher sensitivity)

    But again, so many brands and so many opinions.....I am sure others will chime in and give you some thoughts and more ideas for your system.
  9. dodo612

    dodo612 Member

    thanks Viking :)

    I love the Subwoofer, what about the case ? any recommended type ?

    The Amp is a bit hard to find here, I can find the SOUNDSTREAM LW-5.1000 :S

    how about if i get 2 Amps, 1 x 4 channels for the speakers, and 1 x class D for the sub ?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    One IMPORTANT thing you should realize in your decision of what to buy. If possible, try and listen to whatever it is you intend purchase. Do lots of research and ask questions. We are not here to push any particular brand (although each of us has our own favorites).

    As for an enclosure for a sub, some if the design is dictated by the woofer itself and the size limitations you have. So you need to come up with an idea of the largest enclosure you can put in your car. Then we can take that volume of air and figure out what might be the best woofer for your application.

    As for the amps, what you have suggested would work fine!

    By the way.....what part of the globe you from?
  11. dodo612

    dodo612 Member

    well asking here is part of my research, i have so many options in front of me and i'm trying to get some suggestions from people who know and understand these things so i can make a better decision.

    As for the enclosure, i'm not gonna build a custom one, or invest too mush in that, my question was to clarify if there is something special i need to know, like should it be sealed, vented angled etc ...

    And i live in Nazareth, Israel.