hmm....whats the crazy bastard up to?

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by GohillaAudio, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. GohillaAudio

    GohillaAudio Full Member


    10 lbs of fiberglass, a gallon of resen.....
    what does it look like im up to? hehe, updates soon
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    that reminds me, I still have to finish my wife's fiberglass box... I think you're gonna need a little bit more resin than 1 gallon... 10lbs of fiber mat, hmmmmmm gonna build a new box for your 15's???
  3. GohillaAudio

    GohillaAudio Full Member

    bingo! i also ahve a set of powerbass 8"s that gonna go in the trunk to take care of the higher end bass/mid a set of 6 1/2 audiobahn components for the rear deck, and a set of audiobahn 5 1/4 components for the front, i hooked up the new amps i got today to toy around with them, just threw them in there...haha its a should see it, the amps actually sound GREAT though, im running one amp for each sub bridged with a 2 ohm load. hits WAY harder than that bazooka amp did
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    cool, so you're getting about 700watts per sub? are you running at a 2ohm load? take some pics of the progress your making with the FG.

    I just did a 2nd coat of fiber matting and resin. Hopefully i can finish the all the fiberglass this weekend and fuse the MDF to the fiberglass.
  5. aznboi3644

    aznboi3644 Full Member

    Why not fiberglass those 8's up front...midbass is more directional. Also with them in the trunk it'll most likely cause some cancellations. You can lower the chances with really steep crossover slopes though.
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i was gonna say the same thing.

    that would make a killer 3 way system up front.
  7. GohillaAudio

    GohillaAudio Full Member

    hmmm....didnt think about it like that....i may have to fab me up some pods.....
  8. GohillaAudio

    GohillaAudio Full Member

    800w rms at 2 Ohms bridged (12.4v)
  9. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    that must be like night and day compared to your bazooka amp.
  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    hell yeah im went from 500 to 1600 watts.

    3 times the diffrence is very noticeable
  11. GohillaAudio

    GohillaAudio Full Member

    god yes, these amps are pretty sweet, just cant wait for my other new amp to get here
  12. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    GohillaAudio, did you get any fiberglassing done over the weekend? I got another few coats of resin and fibermat on my wife's box. Now all i got to do is put the MDF cover on it and seal it up with resin. I'll finish it next weekend.
  13. GohillaAudio

    GohillaAudio Full Member

    nah, i unexpectedly aquired some new subs, the 15's are now out of the equasion...i now have 2 12" rhino's (loacally made) theres a vid on my youtube page (link in sig) i ahve to completely re-think what im going to do here, im sure it wouldnt be too hard to port a fiberglass box, but i have never done so....and the rhinos HATE sealed enclosures, so i have to figure something out