Hey Steven, Can I Get A Discount For This ;)

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by joelsbass, Nov 21, 2004.

  1. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    Hey steven, you guys might be getting a call from a shop in Fort Wayne, IN called custom creations (i think that's the right name, they're realy new) who wants to pick up adire, i was out there checking them out last night, atm they have memphis, crossfire, pioneer, jvc, and a couple others. it just so happened that their general manager was the one i was talking too so as it seemed that he controlled what brands were carried i mentioned Adire Audio and XBL^2 described what XBL^2 did and he was interested, he went off to finish up with another customer he was helping at the time and i stuck around so i could show him some highlights from your website. wound up browsing for a good 45 min as his customer was the demanding sort :rolleyes: but after that we went over to their computer and i took him to the site, showed him the brahma first, gave him an overview of XBL^2 and the other features, went over the comparison of distortion that's on that page and then i went to the videos, the one with the quarters and the one with the broken door threw him off, as the screen in the one with the broken door went to the db reading of 170, i reminded him that that was coming from a sound quality sub, not an SPL sub. I also showed him the Parthenon (he was pretty amazed by that) and the home theatre subs, the sadhara perticularly impressed him. all in all he was impressed with the company and the specs, so it looks like i might be getting an adire dealer before too long :D

    hey, if they wind up picking you guys up and it works out can i get a discount on a pair of 10" brahmas lol ;)

    it was funny though, at one point in my little sales pitch i was like "you'd think i work for them lol" i told him the quote that you had from dan in your sig too... it was cool to get to show adire to someone who might actually pick them up :D
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Come on now, I know the subs are heavy but if you cant "pick them up" then you need to hit the weights :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
  3. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    smart ass ;)
  4. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Hey thanks Joel, we do appreciate it. I will pass on this thread to our sales department and see if they can cut you a deal. However we have to be careful as we don't want to undercut our dealers and steal away a sale from them.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    What actually might be more appropriate (although I can certainly understand your request here) would be to discuss having that particular dealer hook you up with Adire at cost, or at least at some discount...
    ...the logic being - first of all, they wouldn't pick Adire up if they didn't think it would be profitable - and they apparantly wouldn't have known about them without you. It's certainly not that they "owe you" - they sure don't - but they eventually might appreciate what you did for them. Of course, initially, 'what you did for them' poses as much liability as it may offer profitability - so don't expect them to treat you like a king right off. ;)
    But also, secondly, selling something to you at cost helps them get established with Adire - it adds to their purchase volume from Adire, and it helps get Adire on the street in your area - both of which help them out, without really costing them anything.
    And, of course, you wouldn't tell anyone that they sold it to you at any bargain price - because you wouldn't want to screw them to any degree in return ("hey... you cut that guy a deal, why not me?" :rolleyes: ).

    On the other hand... it will cost Adire to provide you with discounts, even if (and it's really only speculation at this point, honestly) the shop does make a purchase, that you could argue the profits of which could cover your benefit...
    The flip side of that is - if the profits are eaten away by things like this - why be in business? ;)

    All I'm suggesting is - if you are close enough with those guys to have convinced them to check Adire out, you are close enough to work something out with them - and I think you have a better arguement with them than you have with Adire, more solid ground to stand on, know what I mean? B)
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    And Stephen - just a heads up: ... I'm going to send you a PM in a minute, please keep an eye out - thanks, very important!!!

  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well tat will be a first

    you saying something important :p :p :p :p :p

    :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: :boxing: :crutch:
  8. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    yeah the whole discount thing was tongue in cheek, i was mainly just excited about the possibility of having a dealer near me so i could spend every waking moment listning to brahmas untill i can afford my own lol (to do it right i'm thinking about 3 grand :blink: )

    heck if the shop does pick adire up (with as much as i talk about car audio) they'll be getting a lot of word of mouth publicity from me... i tout the joys of adire enough as it is lol... i've educated dozens on the beauty of XBL^2 lol

    i think the shops name was custom solutions actually... i don't get out to that side of town all that much so if you hear about them picking you guys up you'll have to let me know steven!! it'd be nice to actually get to hear some brahma's and koda6.1's in person... all i have to go on now are specs and reviews from other forum members... that's the downside of being the type who HAS to do things right the first time lol...

    700 for the subs (2 10" brahmas)
    1100 for a US Amps USA-2000 (2000x1 @ 2ohms)
    700ish for an ohio generator alt
    500 for wiring and dampening

    yeah... lots of cash...
  9. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    cheap bastard...
    thats awesome though Joel...I wish we had an Adire dealer...but I already have my brahmas and they sound great...
    i need $100 more DLS components now...
  10. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    lol, it'd just be nice to actually HEAR the brahma... all i have are specs and reccomendations from people on forums who have them...
  11. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    my 2 sound fantastic :yes:
  12. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    too bad i'm nowhere near close enough to texas to come and hear them... anybody here within a couple hours of Fort Wayne, IN have brahma's they'd let me listen to??
  13. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    just curious, when you sold this guy on putting Adire on his shelves, did you let him know you had never actually heard one??
  14. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    yeah, he knew that but i told him that i know several people from online communities who have them and love them...

    he JUST picked up crossfire though so i don't know if he'll be picking them up anytime soon.. i'm hopin though
  15. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    ill be building a new box for mine right before Christmas
    my brahmas are currently begging for more air space
    i should also have a set of DLS Iridium 6.3s in the next couple of weeks