Hey, guys.. little product preview for you!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by geolemon, Oct 6, 2002.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Just wanted to give you guys a little preview...
    I am now co-founder of a company called Better Audio, which has some pretty big (and unfortunately many of them long-term) goals and plans.

    Our initial product launch will be a series of "super subs" to rival the Brahmas and the W7's out there... massive quantities of sound quality based output.
    And to that effect, we thought one newly established and impressive techology being XBL2, so we licensed it for use in our own subwoofers.

    I'll be back to discuss the what's and how's in a bit, I have to get to my mother's house for dinner with my wife now... ;)

    Check out the prototypes, and our initial testing:
    The testing, by the way, actually exceeded our expectations, and compared favorably against our reference subs.
    But we DO have some additional tweaks to make, there will be another round of prototyping still, so we aren't coming to market quite yet.. B)
  2. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    sounds very very intersteing, how bout you send one of those subs my way for testing ;) . So are you planning on selling the servo drivers youve been working too? Good luck :)
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Woah. That was sudden! Anyways it looks like a killer subwoofer! When is this naming contest going to be held? The prize is certainly motivating. :D

    If your sub boxes are any indication to the quality of those subs I WANT one. :D
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Geo, your holding out on me

  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Sudden, yes!

    Really I was approached when I revealed that I was laid off my DBA job due to the company being purchased, corporate-takeover style...

    This is a great opportunity to take what I really love - not just car audio, but pondering the ins and outs, the dynamics, the physics, the engineering and design aspects, and use that interest in a practical, applied sense! ;)

    Trust me, I haven't been holding out on anyone, in fact these pictures are WAY preliminary.. we aren't at the point where we are ready to market our product yet, these are simply our prototypes.
    And I chose this forum to debut at! B)

    And there's nothing pretty about those enclosures..
    **glances at liquid nails smeared around the ports**
    The subwoofers, on the other hand... ;)
  6. systempimp_1500

    systempimp_1500 Full Member

    alright dude they look great.

    but a few things:

    1.) run the w7 off of more than a 500/1 jl amp to really get it to move and to

    compare your subs too.

    2.) you stoled abras box design with the pvc pipes!! haha in your face

    abra!!! :eek:wned:

    3.) cute kitty!!!!!!!! :D

  7. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    "Co-Founder" of Better Audio, hmmmmmm..........

    Mystery there....
  8. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It's a 10W7, and in a pretty good sized box, if you couldn't tell...
    the 500/1 is a good match for it, trust me, you can get that thing going very impressively on that amp. ;)
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    No mystery, just a business deal... that isn't being revealed, that is apparently causing you confusion and denial. :D
    [comment made based on our previous conversation in #caraudio chat]

    Just a business arrangement though...
    And a private one at that - so, sorry.

    Needless to say, it is what it is! ;)
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well geo

    when you guys get to the point of needing dealers i am hear

    both online and Offline

    and if you need a web disigner I can help too :D

    I work CHEAP
  11. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    Will we get any specials? :D
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    Sorry to hear about the cutbacks at work but...

    What an incredible venture. Looking quite impressive. I just got in the new house and I have had little time to look around the site (getting ready for work in the AM):rolleyes:. Also, I saw mention of a few amps. Are those your products too? Do you have any information on them? Maybe some TS for the subs? I'd love to give some of this equipment a shot!!!

    ps... a 10W7 in that enclosure is a good referance? C'mon Geo!!! That HO box is totally unflattering to the W7...

    Congrats and good luck, Chris. May only the best things come to you in this venture.
  13. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    Ahhh my young friend....................you are mistaken...........

    It sounds damn unbelievable in those boxes................potential to sound much, much better in custom boxes though......
  14. PointSource

    PointSource Guest

    No mystery, just a business deal... that isn't being revealed, that is apparently causing you confusion and denial. :D
    [comment made based on our previous conversation in #caraudio chat]

    Just a business arrangement though...
    And a private one at that - so, sorry.

    Needless to say, it is what it is! ;)[/b][/quote]
    Trust me, I'm not in denial.............but honestly Mr. Etter found the company............and he designed the driver.............
  15. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Ahhh my young friend....................you are mistaken...........

    It sounds damn unbelievable in those boxes................potential to sound much, much better in custom boxes though......[/b][/quote]
    Thanks for the young compliment, but sadly, I am an old fart.

    I thought the 12 sounded nice in a sealed enclosure, but the HO box really affected the SQ of the driver overall. The 10, well, I can't say for sure, I'm basing it off the 12 I heard in both enclosures...
  16. Regal1975

    Regal1975 Full Member

    nice Geo, let me know when you want someone to test it to its limits :D ill be happy to thrash one silly for you, and Good Luck!!
  17. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    well geo, here is your lucky day for a first customer with high SQ expectations. Im right now muddling in the market for a 12"brahma or a couple 12" ED's...... Get me some parameters and I may volunteer to be the first customer for these fine looking machines ;)

    Hey good luck with this company. Its awsome to see all of these great smaller companies popping up with great products.
  18. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    BTW... you said you had prototype amps? Are you guys going to building an amp line?? If so, I own a custom powdercoating business and may be able to help with good looking, high temp, scrath resistant, self leveling finishes on the amp cases.

    If your interested email me

  19. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Bart founded the company, just weeks prior to my involvement.

    This particular sub design did not exist until more recently, and both of us have infinitely enjoyed being involved fully in the design, it wasn't anyone's one-man-show.
    I am particularly proud of my connections which led us to this very manufacturer - bear in mind this is the only build house licensed to use XBL2 technology.

    It would really be unfair to say that anyone solely designed this subwoofer. Bart, myself, and the build-house engineers all had input into various design aspects that these prototypes embody.

    Pointsource, you have intentionally been a prick to me particularly for several weeks... (as confirmed recently by the 2 or 3 "here we go again" PM's from various chat regulars that pop up in my window every time you begin) ...why?
    Remember our "Harry" conversation? Think... what do you think my involvement was at that point? Now take a deep breath and think about it again... ;)

    Now, Bart DOES have an amplifier design that will be quite revolutionary... THAT idea not only predated me, but predated the company. B)
    I think (hope) this might be what is confusing you...
    That amp design will be a large departure from traditional amp design, we will be consulting amp designers and EE's to work out the finer details -
    But basically, this is a design that will allow an amplifier to provide more flexibility than has been possible in the past... and I really can't say a whole lot more at this point, because we are simply in the "concept" stages with that project!
  20. Krelkor

    Krelkor Full Member

    fuck geo

    pm me with some release dates plz

    now im thinkin again

    fuck you :p