Help setting up a Sony Xplod 12" XSGTX120L

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by RSDXzec, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. RSDXzec

    RSDXzec New Member

    hey, Im looking at buying one of these

    I'd like some help in deciding what amplifier to use, because Im not sure if they have to meet the same specs as the sub which are 1000W MAX and 300W RMS or if they can be a bit lower as I am trying to save cash, but not to the extent of causing clipping.

    the amplifiers most readily available to me would be the ones in this list

    So which amp would be good for one of these subs? or which would be good for 2 of them if I decide to go down that road.

    Also has anyone had experience with these subs before? are they any good?

    And im guessing that apart from the sub and amp I'm going to need to buy a wiring kit, am I right?
