Hello, I Am Texcon

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by texcon, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Yes, you heard right, I am texcon. Just wanted to make a formal introduction. I bump around on CAF and find myself searching and reading more old threads than anything. I am definitely a car audio n00b, but I love all that I am learning. Not sure my wife is too thrilled about my new found love, but I don't give a damn!
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    My thoughts exactly. The wife can go to the store and buy purses, so I will go online and take up my own hobby :p

    I certainly hope you leave here with a bit more knowledge than you came here with... and I also hope you leave us all some as well ;)

    Welcome aboard!!!
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Hey! Welcome to CAT. B)
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I dont know A Board has never been enough for me 2 or 3 works though ;) :p :p :rolleyes:
  5. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    :blush: guess I was trying to do two things at once again, as usuall I screwed up. <_<
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Welcome onboard!
    Ship ahoy... :lol:

    I'm familiar with your name, I've seen you posting on CAF. B)

    Nice to have you here!
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    LOL, speaking of wives not being too happy, Geo and I know all about that... Just last night both of our wives let us know their displeasure by huffing and puffing around the house durring our 3 hour long phone conversation.

    Damn hobby, caused me not to get some last night :p
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    see you and geo need to have a 2nd line put in, and then have your wives talk to each other ;)

    than they can Bitch about your coverstations to each other and leave you guys alone ;) :p :p :p
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hey... not a bad idea!

    That would keep them busy...
    ...except they'd be plotting against us...

    ...no, bad, bad idea... bad... :lol:
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    We both have more than 1 line, but like Chris said... bad, bad idea... I'm libal to not wake up the next morning :p ...
  11. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Thanks for the welcome guys. I will promise not to ask questions that are too ignorant, but at times you will have to forgive me. I am currently a chemical market reporter, so asking questions is what I do best. At times I overanalyze things and try to get to nit picky, so you have been forewarned.

    But my recent return back to the aftermarket car audio world wouldn't have happened without me getting hit by a Dodge Ram at the post office. As I pulled into a parking spot, this truck pulled out and the guy didn't cut his wheels enough and hit my rear driver side door with his plastic bumper. Luckily it is nothing I can't fix on my own (pop it out and buff the clear coat scratches and she'll be 95% again). But I decided since I didn't use the insurance money on my door, I would spend it on my ears. But the last time I into aftermarket car audio was in high school over 10 years ago, so things have changed a lot since then.

    Let's just say 10 years ago my deck was a Fultron tape deck, my sub was a 12" Thruster from PE, my door speakers were 2 or 3 way Pyramid 5.25s, my rear deck speakers were 2 way Ultimate 6x9s from PE, and my amp on the sub was a who knows what (I think a Teac from Service Merchandise).
  12. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Don't worry - you'll fit in well around here! :D

    Fultron used to make some real bang-for-the-buck product way back when (may they rest in peace)... I can't remember one review that I'd read of any of their products that wasn't flattering to some degree.

    PE still sells Ultimate, btw. :cool:
  13. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Yeah, I saw that they still sell Ultimate there. I liked those speakers a lot back then.

    I still check out PE for the hell of it, since they always send me emails flyers. I loved looking through their catalog when I was in HS. I need to order another one for the heck of it.
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    the Dayton Loudspeaker line is what I would go with from PE