Haven't Been Around In A Long Time...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by superman, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. superman

    superman Guest

    Hello guys, I haven't been around in a long time, I've been busy with the college work, still installing at Circuit City, got married, bought a house, got a new car....

    ...which leads me to my new found interest in the hobby.

    I was caught in a rut, installing stuff that I didn't dare put in my truck that I was trying to get rid of, but now my sugar momma (wife) bought me a 99 Mercury Mountaineer, both a blessing and a curse.

    The good side is that I now have a nice vehicle that I can justify dumping money into, the bad thing is that I have to go at this slow, since money isn't exactly flowing in.

    I already got a close out deal on an alpine 9813 deck at work, and now I am looking at upgrading the factory sub :lmfao: (if you even want to call it a sub)
    I want a DVC so I can go with a class D mono block that wants a 2 ohm load (MTX)
    and will be feeding the sub about 400 watts rms. I will have the sub in a fiberglassed sealed enclosure in the stock subwoofer location.

    My options are few since I want to get it through work, and the only DVC 12" subs I can get through work are...

    Infinity Perfect
    Alpine Type R
    P Miller
    Audiobahn (any of them)

    Give or take a few

    I am leaning towards the Infinity perfect, or the Type R. Last I heard was that Infinity recently beefed up the infinity perfects to perform like they used to back in the day, but this could be a load of BS as far as I know. Maybe you guys could help me out in deciding which to go with, thanks a ton guys, I am going to try to be around more to bs and help out as much as possible. A special hello to Michael and Sandt, I haven't had the pleasure to talk to you guys in way too long, that's my fault.
  2. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    The Type R would be nice....

    How about a PG Ti 15"? it's like $120 and would wang ass....

    porting is a must of course.
  3. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    prepares to slap the shit out of the man... Sup!!!

    Sugar momma? Good for you man. If I had known better I would have married rich rather than bitch :p . Bought you a house to? Congrats... you have been busy!

    I like the Perfect of this group. The Type R is a nice driver, but the Perfect gets my vote amoung this crowd. Definately a looker and a nice SQ driver to boot. Needs under 1 foot, and the power will do great for the driver. Go a bit soft on the gains though. I had a pair of them (in fact, they were the last drivers I bought that were not Adire ;) ), and they had tight clean transients but they struggled down low. The Type Rs are OK, but aren't quite as composed as the Perfect.

    Also, is this the variable "Q" perfect? I am interested on how the units work with the sleeves, and without obviously. The conceptt is cool, and the idea is OK, but we have discussed tthe apparent flaws in the design. I am just interested in how well it really works.

    Welcome back. I certainly hope you hang out a bit.
  4. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    If you want a box for 2 10's I can hook you up for a nice price!

    Its the Subzone H-102 box I believe..... 1.0 cu. ft per chamber.....holla

    Glad to hear everything is working out for you...how old are you btw?
  5. superman

    superman Guest

    Thanks for the replies guys! I would be getting the variable Q perfects, I am eager to test it out as well. I can't wait to finally put together the system that I have always wanted to. I am really excited to go to the outdoor movie theater and see how it sounds. I don't think I will go with a mobile video system, but I am not ruling it out yet. And as for your question geolemon I am 24. Thanks for the offer of the dual 10 box, but I want to build the custom enclosure so the perfect wil fit in the stock sub location. It's good to be back, though it really sucks being on a dial up, I haven't gone with the high speed internet yet, I am trying to keep a handle on the budget. I picked up another expensive hobby, Saltwater fish tanks. So now I have to budget between car audio and saltwater fish, why did I pick these expensive hobbies? :(
    The wife is a scientist for land o' lakes, so I call her my sugar momma, I am finishing up the Metals program and hope to be working as a bench jeweler within the next year or so. Sorry if this has turned into an off topic. It's just so good to be back!!
  6. Altec88

    Altec88 Full Member

    I vote perfect...VQ or not...perfects are one of my ALL time favorite sounding subs...how much can you get them for? :stupid:
  7. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Hi Superman. I used to sell car audio at Circuit City. Back then there was a difference between installer and salesman, but now I guess there isn't since the sales guys are now installing. This is bad IMO since I knew some of the sales guys at the local store. I wouldn't let them touch my car.

    Anyway, if you can try to buy the equipment under accomodation. You can save a huge amount of money that way. IIRC the MTX amp you are looking at went for like $120 under accomodation.

    I agree with the consensus that you should go with the Perfects. But I don't think you should rule out a sub just because of it's voice coil configuration. I recomend you pick out the sub that will work perfect for you (excuse the pun), then get an amp to match it.

    BTW, how much do you want to spend on subs? We may find a sub from another company that would work better for you, but cost about the same. I'm partial to the Shiva, but then I am a little bias toward Adire.
  8. superman

    superman Guest

    I guess that you haven't heard about the change at Circuit City, They switched it back to the old way of things. Installers can sell (as always) But salesman can no longer install. The reason for this is that they reinstated bonus for the installers.

    I was planning on getting everyting through accomodations, but thanks for the heads up anyways.

    If I can get a better sub for around $100 that is dual voice coil then I am all ears. I want to hook up an MTX mono block to it, so it does have to show the amp 2 ohms.

    I would love to buy other brand name stuff, but I just can't spend the money frivilously like I used to be able to, I have to get great sound, within a budget, so that requires that I get only stuff from brands that Circuit City carries.

    Thanks for all the help guys, I am all ears.

    Oh and I can get the perfects for around $100 to answer your questions Altec.
  9. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    perfects for $100?... cant beat that with a stick!

    Well, you could beat them with a stick, but then we would have to beat you with a stick. :lol: